Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) for Airborne Contaminants 2016–2020 Meetings
General Industry Safety Orders
Chapter 4, subchapter 7
Section 5155
Health Effects Advisory Committee (HEAC) Meetings
General Meeting Documents
May 5, 2020
13th HEAC Meeting
This 13th meeting will be held in Oakland and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
- Draft - December 3, 2019 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda
- Benzophenone
- Turpentine and Select Monoterpenes
- Sulfur Dioxide
- Monochloroacetic Acid
- Phthalic Anhydride
December 3, 2019
1515 Clay Street, Room 1304
Oakland, CA
12th HEAC Meeting
This 12th meeting will be held in Oakland and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
11th HEAC Meeting
This 11th meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
- Agenda
- 2019 Priority 1 Substances
- Speaker, Dr. Christine Whittaker, NIOSH/CDC
- Benzophenone
- Turpentine
- n_butanol
- SO2 presentation
- P1 presentation
- The NIOSH Chemical Carcinogen Policy: Classifying Chemical Carcinogens and Establishing a Target Risk Level; and NIOSH Occupational Exposure Banding Process
10th HEAC Meeting
This 10th meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
9th HEAC Meeting
This 9th HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
8th HEAC Meeting
This 8th HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties.
- Minutes
- Agenda
- n-Butyl acetate
- sec-Butyl acetate
- tert-Butyl acetate
- Isobutyl acetate
- n-Butanol
- tert-Butanol
- Sulfur Dioxide
- 2018 PEL Priority List
- Supplementary Materials
- Review of Manganese Toxicity from Occupational Exposure to Welding Fumes
- Review of Scientific Evidence Related to Potential Toxicity of Occupational Exposure to Airborne Manganese
- Manganese PEL Proposal: Feasibility Issues to be Addressed
7th HEAC Meeting
This 7th HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
- Minutes
- Agenda
- n-butyl acetate
- sec-butyl acetate
- Isobutyl acetate
- tert-Butyl Acetate
- Methyl isobutyl ketone
- Phthalate handout
- Diesel exhaust handout
- Wildfire smoke handout
- Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Emergency Department Visits Associated with Wildfire Smoke in California - 2015
- Presentation: Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke by California Air Resources Board
- Supplementary text
6th HEAC Meeting
This 6th HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with any affected stakeholders or interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
5th HEAC Meeting
This 5th HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below:
4th HEAC Meeting
This 4th HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
3rd HEAC Meeting
This 3rd HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
2nd HEAC Meeting
This 2nd HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting:
1st meeting of the next round of the HEAC
This 1st HEAC meeting was held in Oakland and attended by HEAC members along with interested parties. The agenda and related handouts are provided below for the meeting: