DAS Extends Application Deadline for Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeship Grant to February 3
The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and its Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) have extended the deadline for organizations to apply for the Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeship (ERiCA) grant. The new deadline is Friday, February 3, 2023, at noon.
The ERiCA grant provides funding to improve access to training and employment opportunities for women and underserved populations within the building and construction trades. Funds will be awarded to organizations that increase opportunities in the construction industry, by covering the cost of childcare and bolstering outreach. DAS has outlined the steps and information required to participate on its website.
Grant applicants may submit their proposals through the Cal E-Grants portal. The portal will be open for a 24-hour period from noon on February 2 and close at noon on February 3.
Grant applicants who successfully submitted their applications may make amendments or adjustments but are not required to do so. Please email etpcaleforce@etp.ca.gov and the application will be returned for editing. Once changes are complete, the application must be resubmitted using the portal by noon on February 3.
The grant funds will support projects that align with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs, implement co-enrollment strategies, braid other program funding, provide supportive services, and create onramps to career pathways for California’s women, veterans, justice-involved, youth, people with disabilities, people of color and dislocated workers including those impacted by COVID-19.
The Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Apprenticeship Standards consults with employers to develop a skilled workforce, by establishing innovative apprenticeship programs that offer training, to create viable career pathways for Californians.
Contact: Communications@dir.ca.gov, (510) 286-1161