Cal/OSHA Enforcement Branch

Enforcement Branch Responsibilities1:

  • Complaint and accident investigations. Cal/OSHA investigates:
    • Complaints of workplace hazards filed by employees, employee representatives, and others.2
    • Reports of serious violations received from law enforcement.3
    • Reports of accidents resulting in serious injury or illness or death.4
  • Targeted and programmed inspections. Cal/OSHA conducts targeted inspections of employers in high hazard industries with high rates of preventable injuries and illnesses and workers' compensation losses.5 Cal/OSHA conducts programmed inspections in mining and tunneling,6 petroleum refining,7 and the underground economy.
  • Citations, special orders, and orders to take special action. Cal/OSHA issues citations, special orders, and orders to take special action after investigation of hazards in a workplace.8
  • Orders prohibiting use. Cal/OSHA issues orders prohibiting use (OPUs) where there is an imminent hazard.9
  • Permits, certifications, licenses, approvals, and classifications. Cal/OSHA issues project permits and annual permits to employers for major activities in construction and permits allowing use of diesel engines in mining and tunneling.10 For information about the permitting process, see Title 8 regulations, section 341.1. Cal/OSHA also issues certifications, licenses, approvals, and classifications.11

File a Workplace Safety Complaint

Right to File a Complaint: The California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 gives workers the right to file a complaint about workplace safety and health hazards.12

Names of Complainants Must Be Kept Confidential: The name of any person who submits a complaint to Cal/OSHA must be kept confidential by law, unless the person requests otherwise.

Report a Workplace Accident as Required by Law

Employer and responding fire and police agencies must immediately report any accident resulting in a serious injury or illness, or death.13 "Serious injury or illness" is defined in subsection (h) of Title 8 regulations, section 330.

Notify Cal/OSHA as Required by Law

Report to the Cal/OSHA Enforcement district office that serves your industry or job location:

Construction Employers

  • Construction employers holding an annual permit must report the start of permit-required activities at a new site.14
  • Construction employers registered to work with asbestos must report the start of asbestos-related work.15
  • Construction employers must report planned work potentially involving exposure to lead.16

Mining and Tunneling Employers

  • Mining and tunneling employers must notify the nearest office of the M&T Unit to obtain classification of environmental hazards prior to bidding a project and to conduct a pre-job safety conference prior to beginning the project,17 and to report excessive gas levels, fires, or other hazards.18

Petroleum Refinery Employers

  • Petroleum refinery employers must submit to the PSM Unit every September 15 a full schedule of planned turnarounds for all affected units for the following calendar year.19

Employers Using a Carcinogen

  • Employers using a carcinogen must report a carcinogen release incident.20 Also notify the Cal/OSHA Asbestos and Carcinogen Unit:; (916) 574-2993.

Apply for a Permit, Certification, or License

  • To apply for a project permit for the construction activities listed below,21 project administrators should contact the nearest Cal/OSHA Enforcement district office with jurisdiction over the project site:
    1. Demolition or dismantling of a building or structure more than 36 feet in height. For demolition using explosives, contact the nearest office of the Mining and Tunneling (M&T) Unit.
    2. Building or erecting a structure intended to be more than 36 feet in height when completed.
    3. Constructing a trench or an excavation 5 feet or deeper in which any person will be required to descend.
    4. Erecting and placing scaffold, vertical shoring, or falsework intended to be more than 36 feet high when completed.
  • To apply for an initial annual permit,22 employers (other than the project administrator) engaging in the construction activities listed below should contact the nearest Cal/OSHA Enforcement district office where the employer's headquarters is located.
    1. Demolishing or dismantling a building or structure more than 36 feet in height. For demolition using explosives, contact the nearest office of the M&T Unit.
    2. Any of the following activities when performed to build or erect a structure intended to be more than 36 feet in height when completed:
      1. Erection and placement of structural steel or erection and placement of structural members made of materials other than steel. (However, no permit is required for work limited to the erection or placement of reinforcing bars used in reinforced concrete construction.)
      2. Installation of metal decking or decking made of substitute materials.
      3. Installation of curtain walls, precast panels, or fascia.
      4. Forming or placement of concrete structures or concrete decks on steel structures.
      5. Installation of structural framing, including roof framing, or the installation of panelized roof systems. (However, no permit is required for work limited to the installation of interior partitions.)
    3. Constructing a trench or an excavation 5 feet or deeper into which any person will be required to descend.
    4. Erecting and placing scaffolding, vertical shoring, or falsework intended to be more than 36 feet high when completed.

    If the employer does not have a California headquarters, contact the District Office nearest their first proposed worksite. You can go here for a list of District Offices or here to search for the closest District Office

  • To apply for a renewal,23 annual permit holders should contact:

    Permit Unit
    Cal/OSHA Enforcement
    2 MacArthur Place, Suite 710
    Santa Ana, CA 92707
    Phone: (714) 558-4411

  • To apply for a permit to operate a diesel engine underground in a mine or tunnel,24 contact the nearest M&T Unit district office in Region 5.
  • To obtain certification as a safety representative or gas tester in mining and tunneling25 or to obtain a blaster license,26 candidates should contact the nearest office of the M&T Unit district office.

Pay a Penalty or Conduct an Establishment Search

1Labor Code sections 60.5-60.9, 142, and 6300-9104

2Labor Code section 6309

3Labor Code section 6309

4Labor Code section 6313

5Labor Code section 6314.1

6Labor Code section 7953

7Labor Code sections 7870-7873

8Labor Code sections 6305, 6308, and 6317

9Labor Code sections 6325, 6325.5

10Labor Code sections 6500-6501

11Labor Code sections 6500-6501, 6710, 7962, 7966, 7990, 7991, and 7999

12Labor Code sections 6309

13Labor Code section 6409.1(b)

14Labor Code sections 6500-6501

15Labor Code section 6501.5

16Labor Code section 6717

17Labor Code sections 7955 and 7956

18Labor Code sections 7967, 7972, and 7997

19Labor Code sections 7872-7873

20Labor Code section 9030

21Labor Code sections 6500-6501

22Labor Code sections 6500-6501

23Labor Code sections 6500-6501

24Labor Code sections 6500-6501

25Labor Code sections 7962, 7966, and 7999

26Labor Code section 6710, 7990, and 7991

January 2023