Workplace Violent Incident Reporting System for Hospitals
General Information
- General Acute Care Hospitals (GACH), Acute Psychiatric Hospitals (APH), and Special Hospitals (SH) are required to report incidents of workplace violence at their facilities to Cal/OSHA. For reporting requirements, refer to subsection (g) of Title 8, CCR, Section 3342.
- Reports are accepted only through the secure online reporting system set up by Cal/OSHA.
- No email, fax, or phone reports are accepted.
How to Get Started
- Before reports can be submitted online, hospital facilities must pre-register with Cal/OSHA.
- A pre-registered hospital facility can then refer authorized staff to register for user accounts using the online system.
- Only individuals authorized by the hospital may sign up for user accounts and submit reports.
- Cal/OSHA has developed a series of six online tutorials to help hospital administrators and registered users understand reporting requirements and how to use the system.
Workplace Violent Incident Reporting System
Hospital Pre-Registration
- Hospitals must pre-register with Cal/OSHA by providing the name and contact information for the hospital representative who has the authority to authorize user registration requests and user account deletions. Cal/OSHA sent a letter on February 1, 2017 to all licensed hospitals with instructions on how to pre-register. If you are a hospital administrator and believe that your hospital facility has not pre-registered with Cal/OSHA, or your hospital facility opened after January 1, 2017, please email
- Hospitals must use the WPV Hospital Registration Spreadsheet in order to complete the pre-registration process. If you are having issues with accessing the spreadsheet, please email for assistance.
User Registration
- Users of the system are designated staff approved by the hospital representative to report incidents of workplace violence for a hospital facility. Please complete self-registration here:
Please do not submit a registration request unless approved by your hospital facility. Any unapproved requests will be rejected. We encourage you to view User Tutorial Module 4 prior to registering. See link below.
Hospital Representatives
- Module 1:Introduction
- Module 2:Reporting basics
- Module 3:Hospital Pre-Registration
System Users
- Module 4:User Registration
- Module 5:Submitting Reports -
- Module 6:Reviewing and Revising Reports
Quick Reference Guides
Annual Report
Senate Bill 1299 (SB1299) requires that Cal/OSHA post a report each January on the total number of incidents reported, the names of the hospital facilities that made a report(s), the outcome of any related inspections or investigations, the citations levied against a hospital based on a violent incident, and recommendations for the prevention of violent incidents in hospitals. Cal/OSHA may also post data aggregated across facilities for data elements of interest. Cal/OSHA will not identify individual facilities in the posted aggregate data.
Annual Reports on information submitted by hospitals starting July 2017
Other Resources
- OSHPD ID Look-up for the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) identification number for your hospital facility
- Workplace Violence in Healthcare reporting - Frequently Asked Questions
- SB 1299 Workplace violence prevention plans: hospitals.
- Title 8, CCR, Section 3342 Workplace Violence Prevention in Health Care
If you have any questions or issues, please email us at
July 2021