Mine Safety Training

The Mine Safety Training program will continue to enhance State and Federal mine compliance and augment training and educational systems by providing a program that will educate miners, mine contractors, and mine customers in safety and health, contribute to the reduction of lost time injuries throughout the State's mining industry, and make significant progress towards eliminating mining fatalities.

A detailed program has been developed using the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) training guidelines and then augmenting and extending those training plans to meet the individual needs of the respective California mine operators, contractors, and customers. The program will provide health and safety training in the following areas:

  • 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 New Miner Training (24 hours required for New Miner Training)
  • 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 Newly Hired Experienced Miner Training
  • 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher Training for surface mining (Miner must have completed "New Miner Training" or be an "Experienced Miner" for at least 3 years)
  • Upon request, specialized training designed according to significant injury concerns, pertinent health issues, and particular areas of concern for California miners

MSHA Training Videos

Miners' Rights and Responsibilities

Low Voltage Safety for Mining and Tunneling

Class Schedule

Classes are limited in size depending on the training facility, so register early as they fill up quickly.

Training is provided in English.

To register for a class, send an email to MST@dir.ca.gov and provide ALL of the following information:

  • Name
  • Telephone #
  • Company name
  • Class Dates and Location


Class Date Topic Time Location Status
No classes are currently scheduled for Sacramento.

San Bernardino / Riverside

Class Date Topic Time Location Status
No classes are currently scheduled for San Bernardino / Riverside.

If you have questions about a particular class, contact: 

Phone:(916) 263-1915

External Resources

June 2024