Cal/OSHA Enforcement Branch
Regional and District Offices

Debra Lee, Deputy Chief
Field Enforcement

(714) 558-4411

David Wesley, Assistant Deputy Chief
Field Enforcement

(714) 558-4411

Abigail Fabricante, Regional Manager
455 Golden Gate Ave., Rm 9516
San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone:(415) 557-0300
Fax:(415) 557-0900

San Francisco District Office

Jose Nevarez, District Manager

455 Golden Gate Ave., Suite 9516
San Francisco, CA 94102

phone:(415) 557-0100
fax:(415) 557-0123

Fremont District Office

Kelly Tatum, District Manager

39141 Civic Center Dr., Ste. 310
Fremont, CA 94538

phone:(510) 794-2521
fax:(510) 794-3889

Foster City District Office

Barbara Kim, District Manager

1065 East Hillsdale Blvd., Ste. 110
Foster City, CA 94404

phone:(650) 573-3812
fax:(650) 573-3817

Oakland District Office

Wendy Hogle-Lui, District Manager

1515 Clay Street, Ste. 1303
Oakland, CA 94612

phone:(510) 622-2916
fax:(510) 622-2908

American Canyon District Office

Kathy Lynn Garner, District Manager

3419 Broadway Street, Suite H8
American Canyon, CA 94503

phone:(707) 649-3700
fax:(707) 649-3712

Region 2 - Sacramento Regional Office

William Estakhri, Regional Manager

1750 Howe Avenue, Suite 440
Sacramento, CA 95825

Phone:(916) 263-2803
Fax:(916) 263-2824

Sacramento District Office

Joseph Crocker, District Manager

1750 Howe Ave. Suite 430
Sacramento, CA 95825

phone:(916) 263-2800
fax:(916) 263-2798

Modesto District Office

Eddie Miranda, District Manager

4206 Technology Drive, Ste. 3
Modesto, CA 95356

phone:(209) 545-7310
fax:(209) 545-7313

Fresno District Office

Vacant, District Manager

2550 Mariposa Street, Rm. 4000
Fresno, CA 93721

phone:(559) 445-5302
fax:(559) 445-5786

Redding District Office

John Wendland, District Manager

381 Hemsted Drive
Redding, CA 96002

phone:(530) 224-4743
fax:(530) 224-4747

Region 3 - Santa Ana Regional Office

Vacant, Regional Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 720
Santa Ana, CA 92707

Phone:(714) 558-4300
Fax:(714) 558-4083

Santa Ana District Office

Ujitha Perera, District Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 720
Santa Ana, CA 92707

phone:(714) 558-4451
fax:(714) 558-2035

San Diego District Office

Michele Boswell, District Manager

7575 Metropolitan Dr., Ste. 207
San Diego, CA 92108

phone:(619) 767-2280
fax:(619) 767-2299

San Bernardino District Office

Michael Loupe, District Manager

464 W. 4th Street, Ste. 332
San Bernardino, CA 92401

phone:(909) 383-4321
fax:(909) 383-6789

Long Beach District Office

David Rodriguez, District Manager

1500 Hughes Way, Suite C-201
Long Beach, CA 90810

phone:(424) 450-2630
fax:(424) 450-2675

Region 4 - Monrovia Regional Office

Hassan Adan, Regional Manager

800 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 105
Monrovia, CA 91016

Phone:(626) 471-9122
Fax:(626) 471-9133

Los Angeles District Office

Vacant, District Manager

320 West 4th Street, Suite 820
Los Angeles, CA 90013

phone:(213) 576-7451
fax:(213) 576-7461

Monrovia District Office

Vacant, District Manager

800 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 105
Monrovia, CA 91016

phone:(626) 239-0369
fax:(626) 239-0387

Van Nuys District Office

Vacant, District Manager

6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 405
Van Nuys, CA 91401

phone:(818) 901-5403
fax:(818) 901-5578

Bakersfield District Office

Efren Gomez, District Manager

7718 Meany Ave.
Bakersfield, CA 93308

phone:(661) 588-6400
fax:(661) 588-6428

James Wittry, Principal Safety Engineer

1750 Howe Avenue, Suite 470
Sacramento, CA 95825

Phone:(818) 901-5420
Fax:(818) 901-5579

Mining and Tunneling
Sacramento District Office

Jeffrey Wallace, Senior Safety Engineer

1750 Howe Avenue, Suite 450
Sacramento, CA 95825

phone:(916) 574-2540
fax:(916) 574-2542

Mining and Tunneling
Van Nuys District Office

Matthew Switzer, Senior Safety Engineer

6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 310
Van Nuys, CA 91401

phone:(818) 901-5420
fax:(818) 901-5579

Mining and Tunneling
San Bernardino District Office

Vacant, Senior Safety Engineer

464 W. 4th Street, Ste. 354
San Bernardino, CA 92401

phone:(909) 383-6782
fax:(909) 388-7132

Ayman Shiblak, Regional Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 820
Santa Ana, CA 92707

Phone:(714) 558-4415
Fax:(714) 558-4449

High Hazard Unit - North

Tara Huffman, District Manager

1515 Clay Street, Ste. 1303, MS #40
Oakland, CA 94612

phone:(510) 622-3015
fax:(510) 622-3025

High Hazard Unit - South

Lex Eaton, District Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 820
Santa Ana, CA 92707

phone:(714) 567-7100
fax:(714) 662-6091

Labor Enforcement Task Force - North

Laurie Gier, District Manager

1750 Howe Ave, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95825

office:(916) 263-4185
fax:(916) 263-2567

Labor Enforcement Task Force - South

Steven Schmidtbauer, District Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 820
Santa Ana, CA 92707

phone:(714) 558-4120
fax:(714) 558-6774

Andrew Kong, Program Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 810 Santa Ana, CA 92707

To report a work-related injury, illness, or fatality,
if you cannot call, you may use email:

For other matters, use

Phone:(714) 558-4600
Fax:(714) 558-4614

Process Safety Management - North

Non Refinery Program
Michael Boyle, District Manager

Refinery Program
Clement Hsieh, District Manager

1855 Gateway Blvd., Suite 350
Concord, CA 94520

phone:(925) 602-2665
fax:(925) 602-2668

Process Safety Management - South

Non Refinery Program
Vacant, District Manager

Refinery Program
Alicia Weber, District Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 810
Santa Ana, CA 92707

phone:(714) 558-4600
fax:(714) 558-4614

Visit the High Hazard Unit page

Visit the Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF) Unit page

Visit the Mining and Tunneling (M&T) Unit page

Visit the Process Safety Management (PSM) Unit page

February 2025