Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule - drug formulary

The Division of Workers’ Compensation has adopted a drug formulary to implement Assembly Bill 1124 (Statutes 2015, Chapter 525). The regulations establish an evidence-based drug formulary, consistent with California’s Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS), to augment the provision of high-quality medical care, maximize health, and promote return to work in a timely fashion, while reducing administrative burden and cost.

MTUS Drug Formulary – effective January 1, 2018

Formulary regulations

Healthcare providers treating, evaluating, or performing utilization review in the California workers’ compensation system may access the MTUS (ACOEM) Guidelines and MTUS Drug List at no cost by registering at  

Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee

The Administrative Director has appointed the P&T committee pursuant to Labor Code section 5307.29.  The formulary regulations (title 8, Cal. Code Regs. §§9792.27.18 – 9792.27.23) set forth a description of the role of the Committee and the qualifications to serve.

Join us for our next meeting

Contact us

The DWC welcomes public comment on the MTUS Formulary and Drug List.  Do you have suggestions regarding the exempt, non-exempt, special fill or peri-operative fill status of a medication? Injured workers, physicians, pharmacists, and others may submit their questions, comments, and suggestions to the DWC formulary email box at



  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration Orange Book: Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations – Orange Book Publication and Orange Book Data Base
  • MTUS Drug Formulary Webinar - December 13 and 14, 2017
    The webinar provides an overview of the MTUS Drug Formulary regulations, including the adoption of the drug list, implementation of updated MTUS guidelines, a demo of the online formulary tools for pharmaceutical searches.
  • Assembly Bill 1124
  • Online physician education courses now available
    DWC offers free online education courses providing continuing education credits for physicians, QMEs, chiropractors, and nurses. Current offerings include the use of the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) and tips for Qualified Medical Evaluators (QME).


December 2024