Electronic filing

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Join the E Team and become an electronic filer!

Electronic filing is the fastest way to get your documents into EAMS, DWC’s electronic case management system for the workers’ compensation courts. There are two ways to electronically file: e-forms and JET File. JET File is best suited for large-volume filers of the six most used court forms, while e-forms are available for all forms.

Why become an electronic filer?

  • You’ll save time and money submitting forms and attachments—including eliminating a lot of paper and postage costs
  • You’ll get faster responses. JET File provides immediate notice of errors and e-forms allow you to choose a hearing date for your declaration of readiness to proceed
  • You’ll stay out of the paper queue at DWC district offices.

About electronic filing

Both e-forms and JET File use the Internet to transmit data to EAMS, but the method of delivery and process differs for each method.

E-form filers use a logon to file documents and attachments directly into EAMS. (They can also use a vendor to file liens and applications.)

JET File uses the state’s secure file transfer (SFT) service for six forms and attachments. Instead of logging into EAMS, JET Filers send their data to State of California servers, where it is picked up by DWC and deposited into EAMS. Following submission, JET Filers receive automatic electronic responses showing the documents were received, along with notice of errors, if any. Filers will retrieve these messages from their server accounts.

JET Filers have three ways to file: They can create their own transmission process using DWC’s technical specs; they can purchase software from an approved vendor; or they can use a third party filer to transmit on their behalf.

Benefits of electronic filing

E-form benefits:

  • Log onto EAMS and file forms directly into the system over the Internet
  • Access to view case documents if a case participant
  • Choose hearing date for DOR (must resubmit if hearing date is not available)
  • All forms and attachments available for submission
  • Dedicated help desk available during regular business hours
  • No cost if not using services of a vendor.

JET File benefits:

  • Allows system-to-system filing of multiple documents in one submission
  • No logging onto EAMS needed
  • Provides automatic electronic notice of errors or acceptance
  • Provides a DOR pending queue, and reprocesses DORs for 15 days if no hearing date initially available
  • Allows users to also file via OCR form as needed or by e-form if in the e-forms trial.

How to sign up


  • Sign the e-forms trial agreement
  • Participate in training via Webinar upon acceptance into e-forms trial.

JET File:


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January 2012