All of the postings listed below are available online and can be downloaded and printed
If you need more than five copies of any posting or have questions about required postings, you can
- e-mail the DIR at,
- write to the address listed below pertaining the form requested, or
- fax your request to (415) 703-4807.
The Department of Industrial Relations has the following posting requirements:
Employer Requirement to Notify Employees of Inspection by Immigration Agencies | This notice must be posted in the workplace within 72 hours of receiving the notification of inspection. |
IWC Order | These orders can be obtained by writing to Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612, Attention: POSTERS. Make certain you specify which wage order you would like sent. (See appropriate IWC Orders) |
Minimum Wage Order | These posters can be obtained by writing to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612, Attention: POSTERS. |
Pay Day Notice | An employer-developed notice is permitted (Labor Code §207). A sample notice can be obtained from the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612, Attention: POSTERS. |
Cal/OSHA Form 200 | This summary form of on-the-job injuries and illnesses must be posted annually during the month of February. (Title 8, California Code of Regulations §14305(d)(1)) For additional information, write to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612 or at |
Workers’ Compensation Insurance | A poster can be obtained from your workers’ compensation insurance carrier (Labor Code §3550) |
Paid Sick Leave Notice | This poster can be obtained by writing to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612, Attention: POSTERS. |
COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave 2022 Also available in: Spanish |
Provides information about supplemental paid sick leave entitlement and usage for COVID-19 reasons in California in 2022. |
In addition to the posters required by various divisions of the Department of Industrial Relations, other state agencies have notice or poster obligations. Some of these additional requirements include:
Harassment or Discrimination in Employment is Prohibited (DFEH-162) (Fair Employment and Housing Act, Government Code §12900, et seq.) | This notice can be downloaded and printed from the DFEH site at Additional copies of this poster and other DFEH publications can be ordered through their website or can be obtained by writing to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, 2014 “T” Street, Suite 210, Sacramento, California 95814 or by calling 1-800-884-1684 |
Notice to Employees concerning Disability Benefits and Unemployment Insurance (DE 1275A) | These notices can be obtained by contacting the Employment Development Department at 1-800-300-5616 or at |
Voting Notice | An employer-developed notice is permitted, but should conform to the required language. (See Elections Code § 14001) |
Whistleblower Protections | Must be prominently displayed in lettering larger than size 14 type and include a list of employee rights and responsibilities under the whistleblower laws, including the telephone number of the whistleblower hotline maintained by the office of the California Attorney General. (Labor Code § 1102.8) |
Every California employer for each facility must maintain a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Requirements for such a program can be obtained from the OSHA at or by writing the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612
In 1973 the California Occupational Safety and Health Act was enacted to protect California employees from workplace hazards. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) within the Department of Industrial Relations enforces the Act. Cal/OSHA offers a consultation service that assists employers in achieving voluntary compliance with the various worker safety and health standards. The Consultation Service is offered at no cost to employers. The Consultation Service can be of particular service to small businesses that do not have the internal resources to keep pace with the safety and health standards administered by Cal/OSHA. The Consultation Service is entirely separate from Cal/OSHA’s Compliance Unit. At the employer’s request a Cal/OSHA consultant will make an onsite visit and assist the employer in identifying any existing violations. Cal/OSHA consultants do not cite employers for safety and health violations. Instead, advice is given on how to correct the violations. A reasonable abatement plan is agreed upon. However, if the employer refuses to abate an imminent hazard or serious violation, the Cal/OSHA Compliance Unit would be notified. The Cal/OSHA Consultation Service can be reached at (415) 703-4050.
An employer must file a report with the Division of Labor Statistics and Research or the workers’ compensation insurance carrier for every occupational injury or illness that results in loss-time beyond the date of injury or illness, or that requires medical treatment beyond first aid. This report must be filed within five (5) days after the employer learns of the injury or illness. A death or serious injury or illness (requiring hospitalization for more than 24 hours other than for purpose of observation) must be reported to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health by telephone or telegraph within 24 hours after the employer knows or should have known of the death or illness. (Title 8, California Code of Regulations, §342)
Employers must also maintain, in each establishment, a log of all-recordable occupational injuries and illnesses for that establishment.
All employers, except the state, are required to have workers’ compensation insurance to cover injuries or illnesses sustained on the job. (Labor Code §3700, et seq.) An employee who suffers a work-related injury or illness that requires medical treatment beyond first aid must notify his or her employer in writing within 30 days of the injury or illness. (Labor Code §5400) An employer must provide a claim form to an employee within 24 hours of the reported work-related injury or illness. (Labor Code §5401) Contact the Division of Workers Compensation for more information regarding workers’ compensation claims and benefits or visit their website for information at
In addition to the California posting and notice requirements, the Federal government has certain posting obligations. Contact the U. S. Department of Labor office for federal posting requirements and office locations at