Other Approved Continuing Education List of Providers
1 Attempt (also known as At Your Own Pace)
1383 2nd Ave
Gold Hill, OR 97525
Phone: (877) 724-6150 FAX: (866) 333-9840
Email: contact@atyourpaceonline.com
360 training.com, Inc
6504 Bridge Point Parkway, Suite 100
Austin, Texas 78730
Phone: (877) 881-2235
Email: support@360training.com
@Home Prep
900 E.Hill Avenue
Knoxville, Tenn. 37915
Phone: (800) 952-0910
Contact person – Leana White, leana@athomeprep.com
541 NE 20th Ave #102
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (503) 223-2583
Fax: (503) 296-5326
Contact: Julia Griffiths, ceu@bluevolt.com
Contractor Home Study
PO Box 11642
San Rafael, CA 94912
Phone: (888) 767-7551 Contact: Lana Ghilarducci
Current Electric Training
PO Box 343
Othello, WA 99344
Phone: (509) 488-0899
Fax: (509) 488-7727
Contact: Paul Hesselroth, celectric@qosi.net
Electrical Certification Consultants
560C Alameda Del Prado, Suite 164
Novato, CA 94949
Phone: (866) 685-8564
Contact: Metta Holliday, metta@thompsonlearningco.com
Electrical Codes and Standards Training Institute (ECSTI) (Inactive until further notice)
3135 Logan Valley Rd.
Traverse City, MI 49684
Phone: (844) 842-8272
Fax: (231) 938-3374
Contact: info@traininginstitutesedu.com
4002 Barrett Dr. Unit 204
Raleigh, NC 27609
Phone: (855) 564-2387
Contact: Mike Miller, support@electricallicenserenewal.com
Ewing-Foley, Inc.
7117 SW Beveland, Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97223
Phone: (503) 603-6600
Contact: Ralph Bliquez, rbliquez@ewingfoley.com
Imlah Electrical Consulting
P.O. Box 6267
Aloha, Oregon 97007
Phone: (503) 267-3960
Email: Imlah.consulting@gmail.com
11635 Northpark Dr., Suite 360
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Phone: (800) 443-5233
Contact: Naomi Yencich
Email: registrar@jadelearning.com
LS Training Company
16327 Weber Street
Bennington, NE 68007
Phone: 402-812-2894 - Contact Person: Larry Schmitz
Phone: 760-898-5412 - Judith Corell
Contact: Larry Schmitz, larryschmitz99@gmail.com
Lighting Control Association
Contact: Craig DiLouie
Email address: info@aboutlightingcontrols.org
Morrow-Meadows Corporation
Open to Morrow-Meadows employees only
231 Benton Court
City of Industry, CA 91789
Ph: (909) 598-7700
Fax: (909) 598-3907
Contact: Rick Jarvis, mmc-certs@morrow-meadows.com
PO BOX 28245
Spokane, Washington 99228
Ph: (509) 981-5957
Fax: (509) 368-9167
Contact: Charles Clemens, cclemens@myelectricalceu.com
National Technology Transfer
6675 S. Kenton St., Suite #100
Centennial, CO 80111
Phone: (303) 957-4326 or 855-712-7353
Contact: Dione Johns, djohns@nttinc.com
NECA - San Diego Chapter
9350 Waxie Way, Suite #540
San Diego, CA 92123
Office: (858) 571-6322
Fax: (858) 571-6323
Contact: Andy Berg: aberg@necasandiego.org
OEG, Inc. an MDU Construction Services Group, Inc Company
602 Charcot Ave.
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone (408) 909-9399
Contact: Allison Johnson, Allison.johnson@oeg.us.com
Pacific Reliability and Energy Solutions
40335 Winchester Rd., Suite E #255
Temecula, CA 92591
Ph: (951) 888-0070
Email: info@pacificreliability.com
Contact: Jorge Martinez
Rosendin Electric
Open to Rosendin employees only Contact: Eric Latona 880 Mabury Rd.
San Jose, CA 95133
Ph: 408-286-2800
Email address: elatona@rosendin.com
Sprig Electric Inc.
Open to Sprig Electric employees only
1860 S. 10th St
San Jose, CA 95112
Ph: 408 298-3134 TF: 408 298-2132
Contact: Andrew Rogers, arogers@sprigelectric.com
TPC Training
750 West Lake Cook Rd., Suite 350
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Phone: (303) 867-5039
Contact: Naomi Yencich
Email: ce@tpctraining.com
523 North SR 198, Suite 202
Salem, UT 84653
Phone (385) 208-4600
Contact: Shane Lawrence, shane@tradetechpro.com
Affiliated with ABC Norcal
Transtector Grounding & Protection
(previously known as Smith Power Professional Services – RO Associates)
10701 Airport Drive
Hayden, ID 83835
Contact: Ryan Mendenhall, rmendenhall@infiniteelectronics.com
Phone: (208) 762-6048
TF: (800) 882-9110
Fax: (208) 762-6133
Vector Solutions
Contact: Ellen Sakamoto
4890 West Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 300
Tampa, FL 33609
Ph: 866-546-1212
Fax: 813-286-7992
Email address: Ellen.Sakamoto@RedVector.com or vsaccreditations@vectorsolutions.com
January 2025