Labor Enforcement Task Force – Report a Bad Employer Online

Today's Date: 1/19/2025
Your Information
May your name be used in an investigation?
Do you want LETF to keep your name and
contact information confidential*?

Business Information
Doing business as (Name of the business):
Owner's name:
Street address:
City / State / Zip code: / /
Business Phone:
For mobile industries like construction and agriculture, please provide the location where the work is/was being done:
Job site address:
Job site city / Zip code: /
Number of Employees:
License number:
(If applicable)

What violations has this business committed? (check all that apply)
No worker's compensation coverage Meal or rest break violations Overtime violations
Minimum wage violations Cash pay Contractor's license violation (LicNo)
Tax violation Payroll violations Retaliation/harrassment
†Health and safety violations Misclassification Refuses to pay all wages due
Other (Clarify below)

†If there are imminent hazards for workers please contact Cal/OSHA as soon as possible.

Summary: Please describe the alleged violations in detail.

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Please check your submission - you can correct any entries:

* LETF will maintain confidentiality as appropriate in each case and to the extent provided for under the law. Information may need to be released in some cases.