Entertainment Work Permit for Minors – Registration by Mail

Register or Renew by Mail:

  • Download and print the application in one of the following languages:
  1. Complete and sign the application.
  2. Mail your application with the following items:

Mail your application to:

Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Entertainment Work Permit Unit
6150 Van Nuys Blvd, Room 100
Van Nuys, CA 91401

(818) 901-5484

Applications are not accepted by fax or email.

Applications dropped off in person require a letter from a production company for same-day service. A letter from an agent or manager will not be accepted.
The letter from the production company must include:

  1. Official production company letterhead.
  2. Must state Permit to Employ Minors Registration Number.
  3. Must state the legal name of the minor(s). No Stage names.
  4. Must state the scheduled work date(s).
  5. Must be signed and dated by company personnel making the request.
    • Include the first and last name
    • Contact number
    • Email address

Applications with valid proof for an upcoming job will be expedited and permits will be issued at least 1-3 business days prior to the scheduled job and sent to the email address on file.

Regular applications submitted in person without any upcoming jobs will be processed in the order received.

Walk-in assistance hours of the Van Nuys Entertainment Work Permit Unit are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM.

To find the nearest Labor Commissioner's office, use the division's zip code search.

February 2025