Electrician Certification Program - Fees
Existing law requires that persons performing work as electrician under a C-10 licensed contractor be certified pursuant to certification standards established by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. “Electricians” is defined as all persons who engage in the connection of electrical devices for electrical contractors licensed pursuant to Section 7058 of the Business and Profession Code, specifically, contractors classified as electrical contractors in the Contractors State License Board Rules and Regulations [Labor Code § 108 (c)].
CCR Title 8 Regulations §292.0 Fees
- The fee for initially applying for certification is $75.00.
- The fee for taking or retaking the examination is $100.00.
- The fee for renewal of certification is $100.00.
- The fee for renewal for lapsed/expired certification card is $200.00. - [(b) retake exam is $100 and (c) renewal is $100]
- The fee for registering as an Electrician Trainee Registrant is $25.00.
- The fee for lost/stolen or replacement card is $30.00.
Revised January 24, 2019