July 12, 1999
Circular Letter E-99-1
T0: Installers, Manufacturers of Elevators and Related Equipment, and Other Interested Parties
SUBJECT: Shunt Trips for Sprinklers in Elevator Pits
ASME A17.1-1996 indicates that a shunt trip is required for sprinklers in elevator machine rooms and elevator hoistways. The elevator pit is part of the hoistway per the definition. The A17.1 Main Committee of ASME is assigned the task of interpreting the code and many times uses the intent of the code to make this interpretation.
The Division has determined that it appears the intent of Rulel02.2(c)(3) is to require the shunt trip on sprinklers located in the hoistway of an elevator unless the sprinkler is located two feet or less from the pit floor. This intent is proven out by the fact that in the 1997 addenda of the A17.1 code the above Rule has been clarified to indicate this. The Division will therefore not require the shunt trip on sprinklers located two feet or less from the elevator pit floor.
James L. Meyer
Principal Engineer
Elevator, Ride and Tramway Unit