October 3, 2001
Circular Letter E-01-03
T0: Elevator Companies and Others Concerned:
SUBJECT: Battery Lowering Device
A Battery Lowering Device is a device intended to automatically lower an elevator in a pre-determined manner in the event of a main power supply failure. The operation of a Battery Lowering Device is not covered in Title 8 regulations. The California Labor Code Section 7318 allows the Division to promulgate special safety orders in the absence of regulations. The Division believes that a hazard can be created by the installation of this device and is issuing this special order to address the issue.
Where a Battery Lowering Device is to be provided on new and existing elevators the following procedures shall apply:
The Division shall be notified in writing of the intent to alter an elevator, prior to the installation of the Battery Lowering Device;
A complete set of wiring diagrams indicating the modifications to the elevator controller required by the installation of the Battery Lowering Device shall be submitted to the Division for review;
Documentation of the sequence of operation shall be submitted to the Division for review;
It is understood that all operating and electrical protective devices shall function as prescribed in CCR, Title 8 except as may be modified in this special order;
The Division shall be notified that the installation of the Battery Lowering Device is complete and that the elevator is ready for inspection prior to resumption of elevator service;
- The Battery Lowering Device shall comply with the following requirements and testing procedures.
Battery Lowering Device (BLD) operation.
- The Battery Lowering Device operation shall be permitted, provided that all operating and Electrical Protective Devices, including door "Open" and "Close" buttons, function as with the normal main power supply. The function of the following devices may be modified, bypassed or otherwise made inoperative. A) Operation by designated attendant (hospital service, attendant operation) Is not required to be retained when the Battery Lowering Device operation is active. B) Emergency recall operation to the recall level unless otherwise specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 that follows may be bypassed. C) All landing call registration devices (hall call buttons) shall be rendered inoperative. D) Top of car operation shall remain operative in the down direction.
- The elevator may stop at any landing while descending, open the car and landing doors and then after a predetermined interval close the doors and may then proceed to the lowest landing, provided the Battery Lowering Device power supply is of sufficient capacity, as determined by the device manufacturer, to open and close the car and landing doors at each intermediate stop.
- If the car and landing doors are power operated, the doors shall open when the car is stopped at a landing and shall close after a pre-determined interval.
- If the elevator is on Phase I or Phase II Emergency service and the Battery Lowering Device activates, it shall be permitted for the elevator to return to an available landing.
- If the elevator is on Battery Lowering Device and the Phase 1 or Phase II Emergency service activates, it shall be permitted for the elevator to return to an available landing.
- If a power operated door-reopening device is inoperative during the activation and operation of the Battery Lowering Device, then the torque of the closing doors shall not exceed 2½ ft-lb./ ft. kinetic energy.
- The procedures to test, service and repair the Battery Lowering Device shall be documented and located in the elevator machine room.
Electrical Requirements.
- The Battery Lowering Device shall be made inoperative when the machine room main power supply disconnecting means is In the open position.
- Any modifications to electrical equipment such as disconnect switch cabinets or controller cabinets shall be approved by the equipment manufacturer and listing agency.
- The incoming AC power and the battery of the Battery Lowering Device shall have a disconnecting means lockable in the open position to remove power from the device and elevator controller.
- The Battery Lowering Device shall remain inoperative if the shunt trip device activates.
If you have any questions, please write or call.
James L. Meyer
Principal Engineer
DOSH - Elevator, Ride and Tramway Unit
cc: Senior Engineers (ERT)
City of Los Angeles
Attention: Lance Wong
E-mail: IwongAladbs.lacitv.org
Attention: J.A. Marchack
E-mail: neisstlna.swbell.net
Circular Letter E-01-03