December 5, 2001
Circular Letter E-01-01
T0: Elevator Companies and Others Concerned:
SUBJECT: California Escalator Code Compliance
In order to alleviate various problems associated with escalator inspections, the Elevator, Ride and Tramway (ERT) Unit has developed the attached guideline for complying with selected Escalator Requirements contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Elevator Safety Orders. Requirements not mentioned in the attachment will be verified during the acceptance inspection of the escalator.
If you have any questions, please write or call the Elevator, Ride and Tramway Unit Headquarters' Office.
James L. Meyer
Principal Engineer
DOSH - Elevator, Ride and Tramway Unit
cc: Senior Engineers (ERT)
Attention: Lance Wong
Attention: J.A. Marchack
California Escalator Code Compliance
Compliance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Elevator Safety Orders is required. Division ERT Engineers will verify compliance with the Safety Orders at the time of the acceptance inspection. In some cases verification in the field is not possible and compliance may be shown by following the procedures in this document.
43126.2. Construction Requirements. (Effective 10/26/981
Construction requirements shall comply with Section 802 of ASME A17.1-1996, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
802.3b Strength.
Balustrades shall be designed to resist the simultaneous application of a static lateral force of 40 lbf/ft (584 N/m) and a vertical load of 501bf/ft (730 N/m), both applied to the top of the handrail stand.
802.3c Use of Glass or Plastic.
Glass or plastic, if used in balustrades, shall conform to the requirements of ANSI 297.1 or 16 CFR Part 1201, except that there shall be no requirement for the panels to be transparent.
Plastic bonded to basic supporting panels is not required to conform to the requirements of ANSI Z97. 1.
802.5a Material and Type
(1) Step frames, treads, and risers, excluding their attachments or inserts, shall be metal, except that magnesium alloys shall not be used; or the materials, in their end use configuration, shall have a flame spread index of 0 to 50 based on the tests conducted in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E84, UL 723, or NFPA 255.
(2) Nonmetallic attachments and inserts (excluding wheels) shall be classified 94 BB or better in accordance with ANSI/UL 94.
802.5e Step Fatigue Tests.
Each step width shall be subjected to the step fatigue test as described in Rule 1105.1.
802.9d Step.
The step shall be designed to support a load of 300 lb (136 kg) on a 6 in. (152 mm) by 10 in. (254 mm) plate placed on any part of the step with the 10 in. (254 mm) dimension in the direction of step travel.
Information including, but not limited to, test procedures, tests, and test results, shall be submitted to the ERT ,Unit's ODORS Office showing compliance with the above five Rules. The submittal shall contain the manufacturer name and model number (one time submittal).
802.3f Skirt Panels
(2) Skirt panel shall not deflect more than 1 / 16 in. (1.6 mm) under a force of 150 lbf (667 N).
802.6a Combplates
(4) The comb section, combplate, and landing plate assemblies shall not make contact with the step treads with a weight of 350 lb (159 kg) applied to any area 7 7/bin. (200 mm) by 11 7/bin. (300 mm) centered on the plates with the 11 7/bin. (300 mm) dimensions parallel to the direction of travel.
Compliance with the above two rules will be verified at the time of the acceptance inspection of the escalator.
802.9a Structural.
For the purpose of structural design, the rated load shall be considered to be not less than:
(Customary Units)
Structural rated load (lb) = 4.6 (W + 8)A
(SI Units)
Structural rated load (kg) = 0.27 (W + 203)A
A = length of the horizontal projection of the entire truss measured along its centerline, ft
W = width of the escalator, in. (mm) (see Rule 802.2)
802.9b Machinery
(1) For the purpose of driving machine and power transmission calculations, the rated load for all single driving machines shall be considered to be not less than:
(Customary Units)
Machinery rated load (lb) = 3. 5 (W + 8)B 1
(SI Units)
Machinery rated load (kg) = 0.21 (W + 203)B 1
(2) The rated load per module for two or more modular driving machines shall be considered to be not less than:
(Customary Units)
Machinery rated load (lb) = 3.5 (W + 8)B2
(SI Units)
Machinery rated load (kg) = 0.21 (W + 203)BZ
B 1 = cot f 'total escalator rise, ft (m)
B2 = cot f ' rise per module, ft (m)
f = the angle of inclination (see Rule 802.1)
W = width of the escalator, in. (mm) (see Rule 802.2)
802.9c Brake
(1) For the purpose of brake calculations, the rated load for all single driving machines shall be considered to be not less than:
(a) With Escalator Stopped
(Customary Units)
Brake rated load (lb) = 4.6 (W + 8)B 1
(SI Units)
Brake rated load (kg) = 0.27 (W + 203)B1
[96] (b) With Escalator Running
(Customary Units)
Brake rated load (lb) = 3.5 (W + 8)B 1
(SI Units)
Brake rated load (kg) = 0.21 (W + 203)81
(2) The rated load per module for two or more modular driving machines shall be considered to be not less than:
[96] (a) With Escalator Stopped
(Customary Units)
Brake rated load (lb) = 4.6 (W + 8)82
(SI Units)
Brake rated load (kg) = 0.27 (W + 203)82
[96] (b) With Escalator Running
(Customary Units)
Brake rated load (lb) = 3.5 (W + 8)82
(SI Units)
Brake rated load (kg) = 0.21 (W + 203)B 2
B 1 = cot f 'total escalator rise, ft (m)
B 2 = cot f ' rise per module, ft (m)
f = the angle of inclination (see Rule 802.1)
W = width of the escalator, in. (mm) (see Rule 802.2)
Information, including, but not limited to, calculations, shall be submitted to the ERT Unit District Office where the escalator is located showing the rated load for each case above when the letter of intent is submitted.
§3126.4. Driving Machine, Motor, and Brake.
The driving machine, motor and brake shall comply with Section 804 of ASME Al7.11996, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
804.3a Escalator Driving-Machine Brake
(3) Driving-machine brakes shall stop the down running escalator at a rate no greater than 3 ft/s2 (0.91 m/s2).
Information, including, but not limited to, testing procedures, tests and test results, shall be submitted to the ERT Unit HDS, RS Office for review showing compliance with Rule 804.3x(3). The submittal shall contain the manufacturer name and model number (one time submittal). In lieu of submitting this information a field test may be completed at the time of the acceptance inspection.
&3126.5. Ogeratin; and Safety Devices.
Operating and safety devices shall comply with Section 805 of ASME A17.1-1996, except for Rule 805.3n(1), which is hereby incorporated by reference.
(a) Means shall be provided to open the power circuit to the escalator driving machine motor and brake if a horizontal force exceeding 400 lb/ft is applied in the direction of travel at either side, or exceeding 800 lb/ft at the center of the front edge of the combplate.
Rule 805.4 Handrail-Speed Monitoring Device
A handrail-speed monitoring device shall be provided which will cause the immediate activation of the alarm required by Rule 805.3x(2) whenever the speed of either handrail deviates from the step speed by 15% or more. The device shall cause electric power to be removed from the driving-machine motor and brake if the speed deviation of 15% or more is continuous for more than 2 s. The device shall be of the manually reset type.
Information, including, but not limited to, test procedures, tests and test results shall be submitted to the ERT Unit HDORS Mice for review showing compliance with Rule 805.4. The submittal shall contain the manufacturer name and model number (one time submittal). In lieu of this submittal a field test may be done to show compliance with the rule at the time of the acceptance inspection.
Note: The electrical protective devices, except as contained in the explanation above, will be tested at the time of the acceptance inspection. The switches that require manual reset type switches may be manual reset at the switch or in the controller, but it must be manual, i.e. someone must physically reset the switch.
&3137. Seismic Requirements For Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks. (Effective 10/26/98)
(d) The following requirements apply to escalators and moving walks and are in addition to the requirements contained in other parts of this code:
(1) Connections which join the escalator or moving walk to the building shall be designed for seismic loads of 0.5g in both principal horizontal directions.
(2) The design connections shall provide for maximum design story drift.
(A) Seismic restraint shall be provided. Where seismic restraint is provided at one end. , the design shall account for torsion. All other supports shall be free to slide in the longitudinal direction. Where seismic restraint is provided at both ends which allows some degree of longitudinal and transverse motion, additional means shall be provided to prevent the upper ends of the truss from slipping off the building support. All other supports shall be free to slide sufficiently in the longitudinal direction to accommodate the remainder of the design story drift.
(B) At the sliding end or ends, the width or widths of the beam seat shall be capable of accommodating, without damage, at least two times the current code allowable story drift (see Title 24, Chapter 16A, Section 1628A.8) in both tensile and compressive modes.
(C) Seismic restraint shall be provided in the transverse direction at all supports. The gap between the escalator truss and the seismic restraint shall not exceed'/4 inch on each side.
(3) The handrail supports shall be designed to resist a lateral load of 50 Ib/ft applied at the top of the handrail. In balustrades which contain glass, the glass shall not be part of the structural support system of the handrail unless documentation can be presented, to the Division, to verify the glass used in support can withstand the stresses occurring during an earthquake.
(4) A minimum of one seismic switch shall be provided in every building in which an escalator or moving walk is installed.
(A) The seismic switch shall activate according to manufacturer specifications at a level and direction established by the escalator/moving walk manufacturer and a California registered professional engineer.
(B) Activation of the seismic switch shall remove power from the escalator or moving walk and apply the brake.
(C) Where a seismic switch is used exclusively to control the escalator or moving walk, it shall be located in an escalator or moving walk machine room and where possible shall be mounted adjacent to a vertical load-bearing structural member.
Information including, but not limited to, drawings and calculations shall be submitted to the ERT Unit District Office where the escalator is located showing compliance to Section 3137(d)(1) & (2). This information will be verified at the time of the acceptance inspection. In lieu of verification a statement from a licensed structural engineer (with stamp) indicating the restraints were designed and installed per the Elevator Safety Orders (submittal for each location) will be accepted. Information pertaining to the seismic switch per Section 3137(d)(4)(A), stamped by a California registered engineer, shall also be attached. Sections 3137(d)(4)(B) & (C) will be verified at the time of the acceptance inspection.
Drawings and calculations shall be submitted to the ERT Unit HDQRS Office for review showing compliance with Section 3137(d)(3). Upon acceptance, this information will be good for all similar installations (one time submittal).
43089. Construction Requirements. (Effective 4/4/20001)
(d) Balustrades.
(6) Existing escalators shall comply with the following:
(A) Skirt deflection devices to protect against the accidental entrapment of body parts, clothing, shoes, etc., shall be installed; or
(B) Clearances between the skirt and the step shall comply with ASME A17.1-1996, Rule 802.3e, hereby incorporated by reference; and the skirt panel shall comply with ASME A17.1-1996, Rule 802.3f, hereby incorporated by reference.
(C) The escalator shall be inspected by the Division, following the completion of Section 3089(d)(6)(A) or (B), and a new permit to operate issued. Escalator owners shall have three years from April 1, 2000 to comply with Section 3089(d)(6).
(7) If provided, the skirt deflection device shall comply with the following:
(A) The rigid portion of the device shall not rise more than 3/4 inch from the parent surface of the balustrade;
(B) The plans, drawings, and specifications on the planned installation of the deflection device shall be submitted to the Division for review before they are installed. The Division shall review the plans, drawings, and specifications to ensure the planned installations and subsequent operation does not conflict with other requirements of Article 13;
(C) The deflection device shall be inspected by the Division for entanglement, entrapment, shearing, or tripping hazard.
Information shall be submitted to the ERT Unit District Office where the escalator is located showing compliance with Section 3089(d)(6)(A) or (B).
If choosing to comply with Section 3089(d)(6)(A) plans, drawings and specifications on the planned installation per Section 3089 (d)(7)(B) must be submitted to the District Office for acceptance prior to installation. The specifications must include the manufacturer's installation instructions. The District Office will allow installation of all the devices at one location before an inspection is scheduled upon acceptance of the submittal.
If choosing to comply with Section 3089(d)(6)(B) compliance with Rules 802.3e and 802.3f of A17.1-1996 is required. The material used to comply with Rule 802.3f(3) shall be included with the submittal and compliance with Rules 802.3f(1) & (2) will be verified during the inspection required in Section 3089(d)(6)(C).
Escalator owners have three years from April 1, 2000 to comply with this section.