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Determination and Application of Age Corrections to Audiograms
As permitted by Section 5097(d)(9), increases in an employee's hearing thresholds, as evidenced by an audiogram taken subsequent to a baseline audiogram, may be adjusted (lowered) for presbycusis (hearing loss due to aging). The applicable correction values at various ages and sound frequencies are included in Table F. If the employer chooses to adjust an employee's audiogram pursuant to Section 5097(d)(9), the employer shall follow the procedure described below.
(a) Obtain from Table F the age correction values at each audiometric test frequency of interest (the hearing losses at 2000, 3000, and 4000Hz are relevant to the determination of whether a standard threshold shift, as defined by Section 5097(d)(8), may exist) for the employee by:
(1) Finding the age at which the most recent audiogram was taken and recording the corresponding age correction values; and
(2) Finding the age at which the baseline audiogram was taken and recording the corresponding age correction values.
(b) Subtract the values found in (a)(2) from those found in (a)(1). (The remainders from these subtractions represent the values (in decibels) which may be attributed to aging and are the values by which the most recent audiogram may be adjusted at the respective audiometric test frequencies.)
(c) Subtract the values found in (b) from the hearing threshold values of the most recent audiogram.
When the adjustment of an audiogram for hearing loss due to aging is performed for the purpose of determining whether a standard threshold shift has occurred, the above-described calculations may be restricted to the 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz frequencies. If the average of the hearing threshold values at 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz found in step (c), above, is equal to or greater than 10, then the employee has exhibited a standard threshold shift, and the employer must comply with various provisions of Section 5097(d) as well as certain other requirements such as Sections 5098(a)(2)(B)2 and (b)(3).
Table F Age Correction Values in Decibels for Males (M) and Females (F) Audiometric Test Frequencies (Hz) Age 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 M F M F M F M F M F 20 or Younger 5 7 3 4 4 3 5 3 8 6 21........... 5 7 3 4 4 4 5 3 8 6 22........... 5 7 3 4 4 4 5 4 8 6 23........... 5 7 3 5 4 4 6 4 9 7 24........... 5 7 3 5 5 4 6 4 9 7 25........... 5 8 3 5 5 4 7 4 10 7 26........... 5 8 4 5 5 5 7 4 10 8 27........... 5 8 4 5 6 5 7 5 11 8 28........... 6 8 4 5 6 5 8 5 11 8 29........... 6 8 4 5 6 5 8 5 12 9 30........... 6 8 4 6 6 5 9 5 12 9 31........... 6 8 4 6 7 6 9 5 13 9 32........... 6 9 5 6 7 6 10 6 14 10 33........... 6 9 5 6 7 6 10 6 14 10 34........... 6 9 5 6 8 6 11 6 15 10 35........... 7 9 5 6 8 7 11 7 15 11 36........... 7 9 5 7 9 7 12 7 16 11 37........... 7 9 6 7 9 7 12 7 17 12 38........... 7 10 6 7 9 7 13 7 17 12 39........... 7 10 6 7 10 8 14 8 18 12 40........... 7 10 6 7 10 8 14 8 19 13 41........... 7 10 6 8 10 8 14 8 20 13 42........... 8 10 7 8 11 9 16 9 20 13 43........... 8 11 7 8 12 9 16 9 21 14 44........... 8 11 7 8 12 9 17 9 22 14 45........... 8 11 7 8 13 10 18 10 23 15 46........... 8 11 8 9 13 10 19 10 24 15 47........... 8 11 8 9 14 10 19 11 24 16 48........... 9 12 8 9 14 11 20 11 25 16 49........... 9 12 9 9 15 11 21 11 26 16 50........... 9 12 9 10 16 11 22 12 27 17 51........... 9 12 9 10 16 12 23 12 28 17 52........... 9 12 10 10 17 12 24 13 29 18 53........... 9 13 10 10 18 13 25 13 30 18 54........... 10 13 10 11 18 13 26 14 31 19 55........... 10 13 11 11 19 14 27 14 32 19 56........... 10 13 11 11 20 14 28 15 34 20 57........... 10 13 11 11 21 15 29 15 35 20 58........... 10 14 12 12 22 15 31 16 36 21 59........... 11 14 12 12 22 16 32 16 37 21 60 or Older.. 11 14 13 12 23 16 33 17 38 22
NOTE: Authority and reference cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
1. New Appendix F filed 10-3-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 41).
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