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(a) Unobstructed working space shall be provided at the operating controls of every fixed machine. Such working space shall be at least 3 feet wide, and long enough to provide access to all operating controls.
(b) Adequate unobstructed working space shall be provided at the operating controls of every movable machine.
Such unobstructed working space shall be at least 3 feet wide and 6 1/2 feet in height, except when the operator works in a sitting position, in which case he shall be provided with an overhead clearance of at least 2 feet.
(c) Where the operating controls are located at the side of the machine, at least 2 feet of unobstructed space shall be maintained between the operating controls and the nearest wall or object while the machine is in operation.
(d) Boom and rocker-type mucking machines shall be equipped with a substantial device to keep them from upsetting.
1. Renumbering from Section 6998 filed 1-12-73; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 73, No. 2).
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