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Subchapter 1. Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders
Article 7. Compressed and Liquefied Natural Gas System
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§534. Skid Tanks.

(a) Skid tanks shall be securely fastened to skids extending the full length of the tank, including fittings and guards at the end of the tank. The bottom of the skids shall be not less than 2 inches nor more than 12 inches below the outside bottom of the tank shell. The skids or lugs for attachment of the skids shall be secured to tanks in accordance with the Code or rules under which the tank is designed and built, and shall be designed to withstand the loaded weight of the tank in any direction with a factor of safety of at least 8.

(b) Fittings on skid tanks shall be installed in a recessed well or otherwise protected by means of adequate guards properly installed.

(c) Unless installed in compliance with Order 532, skid tanks shall not be used at any location for more than 180 days without written permission from the Division.

(d) When skid tanks are transported from one location to another, they shall be adequately secured to the transporting vehicle.

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