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Subchapter 1. Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders
Article 7. Compressed and Liquefied Natural Gas System
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§530. Approval of Devices.

(a) All devices which are used in natural gas installations shall be of a type and construction suitable for their intended use. The Division may approve or accept devices or package units upon satisfactory evidence that they are designed and constructed for safe operation in natural gas service.

(b) Except for control and indicating devices that are also designed for natural gas and which have an orifice not larger than No. 54 drill size, natural gas shall not be used to operate any device or equipment designed to be operated with compressed air which exhausts to the atmosphere. Natural gas vapor shall not be released into the air except as permitted by these Orders.

(c) All natural gas devices not otherwise specifically provided for shall be constructed and installed to provide safety equivalent to that required for other parts of the system.

(d) All electrical wiring and electrical equipment used with natural gas storage or dispensing apparatus shall be in accordance with the Electrical Regulations administered by the Division.

NOTE: For the purpose of this Order 530 (d), the electrical equipment installed in out-of-doors installations for stationary storage or the transfer of natural gas shall be suitable for uses in a Class 1, Division 1, Group D hazardous location when installed within 10 feet in any direction of any connection used for the transfer of natural gas.

In order to comply with the "source of ignition" provisions of Order 531 (a) electrical switches, lamps, etc., located outside the above 10-foot area, but within the area specified in Order 531(a) shall be suitable for use in a Class 1, Division 2, Group D, hazardous location. All electrical motors within this area shall be suitable for use in out-of-doors locations and shall be either:

(1) Of the explosion-proof type.

(2) Of a type having no contactors, commutators or sparking parts.

(3) Of a totally enclosed type.

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