Operation | Minimal control strategy | Application group |
Beryllium Oxide Forming (e.g., | For pressing operations: | Primary Beryllium |
pressing, extruding). | (1) Install local exhaust ventilation (LEV) on oxide press tables, oxide feed drum | Production Beryllium |
breaks, press tumblers, powder rollers, and die set disassembly stations; | Oxide Ceramics and | |
(2) Enclose the oxide presses; and | Composites. | |
(3) Install mechanical ventilation (make-up air) in processing areas. | ||
For extruding operations: | ||
(1) Install LEV on extruder powder loading hoods, oxide supply bottles, rod breaking | ||
operations, centerless grinders, rod laydown tables, dicing operations, surface | ||
grinders, discharge end of extrusion presses; | ||
(2) Enclose the centerless grinders; and | ||
(3) Install mechanical ventilation (make-up air) in processing areas. | ||
Chemical Processing Operations | For medium and high gassing operations: | Primary Beryllium |
(e.g., leaching, pickling, degreasing, | (1) Perform operation with a hood having a maximum of one open side; and | Production; Beryllium |
etching, plating). | (2) Design process so as to minimize spills; if accidental spills occur, perform | Oxide Ceramics and |
immediate cleanup. | Composites; Copper | |
Rolling, Drawing and | ||
Extruding. | ||
Finishing (e.g., grinding, sanding, | (1) Perform portable finishing operations in a ventilated hood. The hood should include | Secondary Smelting; |
polishing, deburring). | both downdraft and backdraft ventilation, and have at least two sides and a top | Fabrication of Beryllium |
(2) Perform stationary finishing operations using a ventilated and enclosed hood at the | Alloy Products; Dental | |
point of operation. The grinding wheel of the stationary unit should be enclosed and | Labs. | |
ventilated. | ||
Furnace Operations (e.g., Melting and | (1) Use LEV on furnaces, pelletizer; arc furnace ingot machine discharge; pellet | Primary Beryllium |
Casting). | sampling; arc furnace bins and conveyors; beryllium hydroxide drum dumper and dryer; | Production; Beryllium |
furnace rebuilding; furnace tool holders; arc furnace tundish and tundish skimming, | Oxide Ceramics and | |
tundish preheat hood, and tundish cleaning hoods; dross handling equipment and drums; | Composites; Nonferrous | |
dross recycling; and tool repair station, charge make-up station, oxide screener, product | Foundries; Secondary | |
sampling locations, drum changing stations, and drum cleaning stations. | Smelting. | |
(2) Use mechanical ventilation (make-up air) in furnace building. | ||
Machining | Use (1) LEV consistent with ACGIH® ventilation guidelines on deburring hoods, | Primary Beryllium |
wet surface grinder enclosures, belt sanding hoods, and electrical discharge machines | Production; Beryllium | |
(for operations such as polishing, lapping, and buffing); | Oxide Ceramics and | |
(2) high velocity low volume hoods or ventilated enclosures on lathes, vertical mills, | Composites; Copper | |
CNC mills, and tool grinding operations; | Rolling, Drawing, and | |
(3) for beryllium oxide ceramics, LEV on lapping, dicing, and laser cutting; and | Extruding; Precision Turned | |
(4) wet methods (e.g., coolants). | Products. | |
Mechanical Processing (e.g., material | (1) Enclose and ventilate sources of emission; | Primary Beryllium |
handling (including scrap), sorting, | (2) Prohibit open handling of materials; and | Production; Beryllium |
crushing, screening, pulverizing, shredding, | (3) Use mechanical ventilation (make-up air) in processing areas. | Oxide Ceramics and |
pouring, mixing, blending. | Composites; Aluminum | |
and Copper Foundries; | ||
Secondary Smelting. | ||
Metal Forming (e.g., rolling, drawing, | (1) For rolling operations, install LEV on mill stands and reels such that a hood extends | Primary Beryllium |
straightening, annealing, extruding) | the length of the mill; | Production; Copper Rolling, |
(2) For point and chamfer operations, install LEV hoods at both ends of the rod; | Drawing, and Extruding; | |
(3) For annealing operations, provide an inert atmosphere for annealing furnaces, and | Fabrication of Beryllium | |
LEV hoods at entry and exit points; | Alloy Products. | |
(4) For swaging operations, install LEV on the cutting head | ||
(5) For drawing, straightening, and extruding operations, install LEV at entry and exit | ||
points; and | ||
(6) For all metal forming operations, install mechanical ventilation (make-up air) for | ||
processing areas | ||
Welding | For fixed welding operations: | Primary Beryllium |
(1) Enclose work locations around the source of fume generation and use local | Production; Fabrication of | |
exhaust ventilation; and | Beryllium Alloy Products; | |
(2) Install close capture hood enclosure designed so as to minimize fume emission | Welding | |
from the enclosure welding operation. | ||
For manual operations: | ||
(1) Use portable local exhaust and general ventilation |
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