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(a) All new pressure vessels for pressures exceeding 15 psig used for the transportation, storage, or use of any poisonous, corrosive, or flammable substance, or other products at temperatures above their boiling points at atmospheric pressures, or in which the pressure is generated by means of a compressor, shall be constructed, inspected, and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code, unless the design, material and construction of the vessel are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code. Except for "UM" vessels, all such vessels shall be registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
(b) All secondhand pressure vessels defined in (a) above shall have been constructed, inspected, and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code (or DOT specifications, if in DOT service) unless the design, material, and construction of the vessel are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code.
(c) The allowable working pressure of all existing pressure vessels defined in Section 460(a) shall be calculated in accordance with the ASME Code; or in the case of non-ASME Code pressure vessels, the working pressure shall be determined by the standards of the ASME Code with a factor of safety of not less than 4.
(d) All pressure vessels not otherwise covered herein shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME Code or in accordance with good engineering practice for the pressure and service in which they are to be used.
NOTE: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
1. Repealer and new section filed 1-17-80; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 80, No. 3). For prior history, see Register 78, No. 13.
2. Editorial correction of History No. 1 (Register 81, No. 8).
3. Amendment filed 1-5-88; operative 2-4-88 (Register 88, No. 4).
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