(1) If the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board determines that, as a result of bad faith actions or tactics, a defendant failed to comply with the requirements, timelines and procedures set forth in Labor Code sections 4622, 4603.3 and 4603.6 and the related Rules of the Administrative Director, the defendant shall be liable for the medical-legal provider's reasonable attorney's fees and costs and for sanctions under Labor Code section 5813 and rule 10421. The amount of the attorney's fees, costs and sanctions payable shall be determined by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board; however, for bad faith actions or tactics occurring on or after October 23, 2013, the monetary sanctions shall not be less than $500.00. These attorney's fees, costs and monetary sanctions shall be in addition to any penalties and interest that may be payable under Labor Code section 4622 or other applicable provisions of law, and in addition to any lien filing fee, lien activation fee or IBR fee that, by statute, the defendant might be obligated to reimburse to the medical-legal provider.
(2) If the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board determines that, as a result of bad faith actions or tactics, a medical-legal provider has improperly asserted that a defendant failed to comply with the requirements, timelines and procedures set forth in Labor Code sections 4622 and 4603.6 and the related Rules of the Administrative Director, the medical-legal provider shall be liable for the defendant's reasonable attorney's fees and costs and for sanctions under Labor Code section 5813 and rule 10421. The amount of the attorney's fees, costs and sanctions payable shall be determined by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board; however, for bad faith actions or tactics occurring on or after October 23, 2013, the monetary sanctions shall not be less than $500.00.