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Chapter 4.5. Division of Workers' Compensation
Subchapter 2. Workers' Compensation Appeals Board--Rules and Practice Procedure
Article 9. Filing and Service of Documents
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§ 10628. Service by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board.
(a) The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board shall serve the injured employee or any dependent(s) of a deceased employee, whether or not the employee or dependent is represented, and all parties of record with any final order, decision or award issued by it on a disputed issue after submission. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board shall not designate a party, or their attorney or agent of record, to serve any final order, decision or award relating to a submitted issue.
(b) If the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board effects personal service of a document at a hearing or at a walk-through proceeding, the proof of personal service shall be made by endorsement on the document, setting forth legibly the name(s) of the person(s) served, the date of service and the fact of personal service. The endorsement shall bear the legibly printed name and signature of the person making the service.
(c) If the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board serves a document by mail, the proof of mail service shall be made by endorsement on the document, setting forth the fact of mail service on the persons or entities listed on the official address record as required by rules 10400 and 10401 and shall state the date of mail service.
(d) If the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board electronically serves a document, the proof of electronic service shall be made by endorsement on the document, setting forth the fact of electronic service on the persons or entities listed on the official address record as required by rules 10400 and 10401 and the date of electronic service.
(e) Where a district office of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board maintains mailboxes for outgoing documents and allows consenting parties, lien claimants and attorneys to obtain their documents from their mailboxes, documents so obtained shall be deemed to have been served on the party, lien claimant or attorney by mail on the date of service specified on the document.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 133, 5307, 5309 and 5708, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 5316 and 5504, Labor Code.
1. New section filed 12-17-2019; operative 1-1-2020. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Government Code section 11351 (Register 2019, No. 51).
2. Amendment of subsections (c)-(d) filed 12-15-2021; operative 1-1-2022 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3). Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Government Code section 11351 (Register 2021, No. 51).
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