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Subchapter 7. General Industry Safety Orders
For the current version of this regulation, see the Title 8, Section 3205.4
§3205.4. COVID-19 Prevention in Employer-Provided Transportation.
(a) Scope. This section applies to employer-provided motor vehicle transportation, which is any transportation of an employee during the course and scope of employment, including transportation to and from different workplaces, jobsites, delivery sites, buildings, stores, facilities, and agricultural fields, provided, arranged for, or secured by an employer regardless of the travel distance or duration involved. The following exceptions apply:
(1) This section does not apply if the driver and all passengers are from the same household outside of work, such as family members, or if the driver is alone in the vehicle.
(2) This section does not apply to employer-provided transportation when necessary for emergency response, including firefighting, rescue, and evacuation, and support activities directly aiding response such as utilities, communications, and medical operations.
(3) This section does not apply to employees with occupational exposure as defined by section 5199, when covered by that section.
(4) This section does not apply to vehicles in which all employees are fully vaccinated.
(5) This section does not apply to public transportation.
(b) Assignment of transportation. To the extent feasible, employers shall reduce exposure to COVID-19 hazards by assigning employees sharing vehicles to distinct groups and ensuring that each group remains separate from other such groups during transportation, during work activities, and in employer-provided housing. Employers shall prioritize shared transportation assignments in the following order:
(1) Employees residing in the same housing unit shall be transported in the same vehicle.
(2) Employees working in the same crew or workplace shall be transported in the same vehicle.
(3) Employees who do not share the same household, work crew or workplace shall be transported in the same vehicle only when no other transportation alternatives are feasible.
(c) Face coverings and respirators. Employers shall ensure that:
(1) Face covering requirements of subsection 3205(c)(6), if applicable, are followed for employees waiting for transportation.
(2) All employees who are not fully vaccinated are provided with a face covering, which must be worn unless an exception under subsection 3205(c)(6)(D) applies.
(3) Upon request, employers shall provide respirators for voluntary use in compliance with subsection 5144(c)(2) to all employees in the vehicle who are not fully vaccinated.
(d) Screening. Employers shall develop, implement, and maintain effective procedures for screening and excluding drivers and riders with COVID-19 symptoms prior to boarding shared transportation.
(e) Cleaning and disinfecting. Employers shall ensure that:
(1) All high-contact surfaces (door handles, seatbelt buckles, armrests, etc.) used by passengers are cleaned to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and must be cleaned and disinfected if used by a COVID-19 case during the high-risk exposure period, when the surface will be used by another employee within 24 hours of the COVID-19 case.
(2) All high-contact surfaces used by drivers, such as the steering wheel, armrests, seatbelt buckles, door handles and shifter, shall be cleaned to prevent the spread of COVID-19 between different drivers and are disinfected after use by a COVID-19 case during the high-risk exposure period, if the surface will be used by another employee within 24 hours of the COVID-19 case.
(3) Employers shall provide sanitizing materials and ensure they are kept in adequate supply.
(f) Ventilation. Employers shall ensure that vehicle windows are kept open, and the ventilation system set to maximize outdoor air and not set to recirculate air. Windows do not have to be kept open if one or more of the following conditions exist:
(1) The vehicle has functioning air conditioning in use and excessive outdoor heat would create a hazard to employees.
(2) The vehicle has functioning heating in use and excessive outdoor cold would create a hazard to employees.
(3) Protection is needed from weather conditions, such as rain or snow.
(4) The vehicle has a cabin air filter in use and the U.S. EPA Air Quality Index for any pollutant is greater than 100.
(g) Hand hygiene. Employers shall provide hand sanitizer in each vehicle and ensure that all drivers and riders sanitize their hands before entering and exiting the vehicle. Hand sanitizers with methyl alcohol are prohibited.
(h) This section shall take precedence when in conflict with section 3205.
1. New section filed 11-30-2020 as an emergency; operative 11-30-2020. Emergency expiration extended 60 days (Executive Order N-40-20) plus an additional 60 days (Executive Order N-71-20) (Register 2020, No. 49). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 10-1-2021 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
2. New section refiled with amendments 6-17-2021 as an emergency; operative 6-17-2021 pursuant to Executive Order N-09-21 (Register 2021, No. 25). Exempt from the APA pursuant to Government Code sections 8567, 8571 and 8627 (Executive Order N-09-21). Emergency expiration extended 60 days (Executive Order N-40-20) plus an additional 60 days (Executive Order N-71-20). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 1-13-2022 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.