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1. All persons shall follow these safe practice rules, render every possible aid to safe operations, and report all unsafe conditions or practices to the proper authority.
2. Foremen shall insist on employees observing and obeying every rule, regulation and order, as is necessary to the safe conduct of the work, and shall resort to disciplinary measures, if necessary, to compel observance.
3. All employees shall be given frequent accident prevention instructions. Instructions shall be given at least once a month.
4. Anyone known to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor shall not be allowed on the job while in that condition.
5. Horseplay, scuffling, and other acts which tend to have an adverse influence on the safety or well being of the employees is prohibited on tunnel projects or related operations.
6. It shall be the duty of employees operating machines to see that all guards and other protective devices are in proper places and that adjustments are made before starting machines.
7. Crowding or pushing when boarding or leaving any cage, car, or other conveyance is prohibited.
8. Work shall be well planned and supervised to forestall injuries in the handling of heavy materials and in working together with tools.
9. Machinery shall not be repaired or oiled while in motion.
10. Workers shall not handle or tamper with any electrical equipment, machinery, air or water lines in a manner not within the scope of their duties unless they have received instructions from their foreman.
11. Report all injuries promptly and obtain first-aid or medical treatment.
12. When lifting heavy objects, use the large muscles of the leg instead of the smaller muscles of the back.
13. Throwing drill steel or other materials up to or down from the platforms of drill carriages (or jumbos) is prohibited.
14. The drill carriage or jumbo shall be kept in an orderly manner and small tools such as wrenches, hammers, etc., must be kept in tool boxes when not in use.
15. Do not blow out drill holes without giving warning to all other workers in the heading.
16. Do not use defective chuck wrenches or other hand tools.
17. Stand in the clear when barring down loose rock; sound roof frequently for possible loose rock; start barring from a safe position under good ground.
18. Before loading holes, run loading stick to bottom of hole to determine if hole is clear; if clear, grip loading stick with hand at collar of hold and hold this grip until primer is run in, to determine if it has bottomed the hole; if it has not, tell the foreman.
19. When loading holes, place one stick of powder and tamp it before adding another stick.
20. Examine every slab or boulder prior to drilling, striking, or breaking and make sure that the operation can be performed without hazard from explosives it may still contain.
21. Do not overload muck cars. If necessary, trim the cars before they leave the heading.
22. Do not walk past a point where car loading is in progress, until the muck car is loaded and mucking machine has stopped. Then pass only where the operator can see you. Keep clear of the muck cars and movement of the trains.
23. If timbers are used drilling operations should not be started until the timbers have been securely wedged.
24. Do not attempt to operate a locomotive without special permission unless that is one of your regular duties.
25. Locomotives shall not be operated from a position on the running board or step or ground.
26. Timber, long drill steel, bulky objects, rails, pipe, or similar long materials shall not be transported on locomotives. Such materials should be transported on one or more flat cars, depending upon length of cars and the materials.
27. Hitching of cars or other equipment to locomotives by ropes or cables is prohibited.
28. Trolley locomotives shall not be operated with the trolley pole in the reverse position except when it is impossible to turn the pole.
29. Trolley poles shall not be turned while the locomotive is in motion.
30. The motorman shall sound a warning when approaching pump stations, sidings, or other places where workers may be expected.
31. All men must keep back from the shaft at all times unless their work requires them to be there.
32. Do not attempt to board any cage, bucket or other conveyance if the maximum number of riders, as specified by the management, is already on.
33. If any employee drops any tools or materials into the shaft, he shall report immediately to the hoist engineer, who shall have the shaft inspected before resuming hoisting operations.
34. Rock bolts near blasting operations shall be checked at frequent intervals and tightened as necessary.
35. Hoses for delivery of water or air to suspended drill cages should be attached to the cage and should come up through the bottom platform rather than over the side.
36. If telephone communication is used between a suspended drill cage and the hoist operator, the wires should not extend through the overhead drill hole unless the equivalent of conduit protection against wire damage has been provided.
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