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Subchapter 20. Tunnel Safety Orders
Article 17. Transportation and Haulage
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§8483. Haulage and Earthmoving Equipment.

(a) Haulage and earthmoving equipment shall comply with CCR, Title 8, Article 10 of the Construction Safety Orders and the following:

(1) No employee shall ride haulage and/or earthmoving equipment unless it is equipped with seating for each passenger and protects passengers from being struck, crushed, or caught between other equipment or surfaces.

(2) Powered mobile haulage equipment and service vehicles shall be equipped with headlights and taillights in good condition. Such equipment shall be equipped with back-up lights which shall be used when the vehicle is operated in reverse.

(3) Where the backward movement of mobile equipment would constitute a hazard to employees working in the area on foot and where the operator's vision is obstructed to the rear, such equipment shall be equipped with an effective warning device or method to safeguard employees such as:

(A) An automatic back-up audible alarm which would normally be audible from a distance of 200 feet and will sound immediately on backing, or

(B) An automatic braking device at the rear of the vehicle that will apply the service brake immediately on contact with any obstruction to the rear, or

(C) In lieu of A or B above, administrative controls shall be established such as:

1. A spotter or flagger in clear view of the operator who shall direct the backing operation, or

2. Other procedures which will require the operator to dismount and circle the vehicle immediately prior to starting a back-up operation, or

3. Prohibiting all foot traffic in the work area, by providing an effective communications system along with barricades.

(D) Other means shall be provided that will furnish safety equivalent to the foregoing for personnel working in the area.

(4) A safe means of access shall be provided and maintained from the ground to the driver's location.

(5) The driver's seat shall be maintained in good condition.

(6) In tunnels where the overhead and side clearance is limited and the rollover protective structure itself may strike and dislodge ground support members and no rollover hazard exists, the Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) shall only be removed under conditions established in writing by the Division.

(7) Where hazards of falling objects exist underground, all mobile equipment used shall be provided with overhead protection for the operator and other affected employees.

(8) When it is necessary to elevate employees using an industrial truck, requirements of Section 3657 of the General Industry Safety Orders shall be applied.

(b) Vehicles which are utilized on jobsites exclusively and are, therefore, excluded from the provision of applicable traffic and vehicular code shall be equipped and operated in accordance with CCR, Title 8, Article 11 of the Construction Safety Orders.

NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 142.3 and 7997, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 142.3 and 7997, Labor Code.


1. Amendment of section heading and section and new Note filed 3-5-96; operative 4-4-96 (Register 96, No. 10).

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