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Subchapter 7. General Industry Safety Orders
Group 20. Flammable Liquids, Gases and Vapors
Article 145. Tank Storage
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§5600. Installation of Tanks Inside of Buildings.
(a) Location. Tanks shall not be permitted inside of buildings except as provided in Articles 142, 143, 144 or 148.
(b) Vents. Vents for tanks inside of buildings shall be as required in Sections 5592, 5593, 5594(b) and 5598 except that emergency venting by the use of weak roof seams on tanks shall not be permitted. Automatic sprinkler systems installed in an approved manner, shall be accepted as equivalent to approved water spray systems for purposes of calculating the required air flow rates for emergency vents in Section 5593(g). Except for tanks containing liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4oF (93oC) (formerly designated Class IIIB Combustible liquids), vents shall terminate outside the buildings.
(c) Vent Piping. Vent piping shall be constructed in accordance with Article 146.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
1. Amendment of subsection (b) and new Note filed 7-23-2013; operative 10-1-2013 (Register 2013, No. 30).
2. Amendment of subsection (b) filed 5-5-2014; operative 5-6-2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 19).
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