Electrical conveyances shall comply with the following:
(a) A means of access to the governor from outside the hoistway as required by ASME A17.1-2004, section, is not required provided that:
(1) The governor can be inspected and serviced from the top of the car, and the governor can be tripped for testing from outside the hoistway;
(2) The governor can be reset automatically when the car is moved in the up direction or the governor can be reset from outside the hoistway;
(3) There is a mechanical means to secure the car during governor or governor rope replacement or removal, and signs requiring that the car be secured before removal of the governor rope are clearly visible and located in the vicinity of the governor. Instructions in the use of this means shall be available on site for use by a CCCM;
(4) It is not possible to reset the governor switch from inside the hoistway;
(5) Additional permanent lighting of not less than 5 footcandles and a switch for the lighting shall be provided in the governor area; and
(6) Written procedures for testing, servicing, maintaining, and inspecting the governor shall be developed and made available to the CQCC providing the service on the elevator and upon request to the Division.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 142.3 and 7323, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 142.3 and 7323, Labor Code.
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