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(a) Minimum Rated Load of Passenger Elevators. The following formulas shall be used for determining the minimum rated load of passenger elevators.
(1) For a passenger elevator having an inside net platform area of not more than 50 square feet
W = (2A2/3) + (200A/3).
(2) For a passenger elevator having an inside net platform area of more than 50 square feet
W = 7A2/150) + (125A - 1367).
Where W = Minimum rated load in pounds, and A = inside net platform area in square feet.
(3) Figures 3100 A1, 3100 A2 and 3100 A3 are graphs of the above two formulas.
FIGURE 3100 A1
Minimum Rated Loads for Passenger Elevators
FIGURE 3100 A2
Minimum Rated Loads for Passenger Elevators
FIGURE 3100 A3
Minimum Rated Loads for Passenger Elevators
(b) Additional Requirements for Passenger Overload. Passenger elevators shall be designed and installed to safely lower, stop, and hold the car with an additional load up to 25 percent in excess of the rated load; however, the elevator is not required to attain rated load performance under the overload conditions. For passenger elevators, the term "125 percent of the rated load" shall be used in place of "rated load" in the following sections:
(1) Duplex Safeties--Section 3035(b).
(2) Function and Stopping Distance of Safeties--Section
(3) Driving Machine Brakes--Section 3038(h)(2).
(4) Normal Terminal Stopping Devices--Section 3039(a)(2).
(5) Control and Operating Circuit Requirements--Section 3040(f)(5).
(6) Absorption of Regenerative Power--CCR, Title 24, Part 3, Article 620.
(Title 24, Part 7, Section 7-3100)
NOTE: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
1. Amendment of article heading, subsections (b) and (b)(6) and adoption of Note filed 6-29-94; operative 7-29-94 (Register 94, No. 26).
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