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Chapter 3.2. California Occupational
Safety and Health Regulations (CAL/OSHA)
Subchapter 2. Regulations of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Article 6. Administration of Permanent
Amusement Ride Program
(Permanent Amusement Rides Administrative Regulations)
(a) A school or training provider may apply to the Division for approval of a QSI Training Program (referred to in this section as “Program”) by submitting the following information:
(1) The name(s) of the training courses offered by the Program.
(2) The name, title, business address, and phone number of the person whom the Division will contact regarding Program approval matters, a statement certifying that the information provided with the application is true and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge, and the name title, business address, and phone number of the person signing the declaration if different from the person who will be the Division's contact.
(3) Materials describing the subject matter and hours of instruction of each course required by the Program, with an explanation as to which courses are to apply toward:
(A) The QSI certification training requirements of section 344.10(c)(2)(C);
(B) QSI certification training requirements based on completion of up to 40 hours of NDT training as allowed by the exception to section 344.10(c)(2)(C); and
(C) The QSI continuing education requirements of section 344.10(e)(3).
Note : A school or training provider may offer any or all of the above three options.
(4) The name(s) and qualifications of the instructor(s) of the Program.
(5) Any other information reasonably requested by the Division.
(b) Processing of Application.
(1) Within 20 business days of receipt of an application for approval, the Division shall inform the applicant in writing whether the submitted application information is complete or additional information needs to be submitted.
(2) Within 45 business days of receipt of a completed application for approval, the Division shall inform the applicant that the Program is approved or inform the applicant that the application for approval is denied, specifying the reasons for denial.
(c) Criteria for Approval. Upon receiving complete application materials from the provider, the Division shall determine whether the applicant meets the criteria necessary for approval pursuant to this Article and the Permanent Amusement Ride Safety Inspection Program, Labor Code section 7920 et seq., and shall approve or disapprove the application accordingly. The approval shall specify each component of QSI Training, as described in section 344.11(a)(3), to which the approval applies. To qualify for approval, the applicant shall demonstrate that its Program will meet all of the following requirements:
(1) Ensure that the instructor for each course required by the Program is experienced in the subject matter of the course.
(2) Ensure that the course content is current and will be kept current.
(3) Require Program participants to attend each course required by the Program for its full duration so that the applicable requirements for hours of instruction as described by sections 344.10(c)(2)(C) and 344.10(e)(3) are met.
(4) Utilize a reliable testing method to determine whether the course participants have learned the subject matter presented by the course.
(5) Provide a certificate of completion to all successful participants at the completion of the Program.
(6) Ensure that the courses required by the Program provide classroom training related to the inspection, design, maintenance, testing, and operation of permanent amusement rides and applicable provisions of Title 8 of this Code, ensure that the subject matter of the training is current and will be kept current, and ensure that the overall content of courses required by the Program meets the intent of the Permanent Amusement Ride Safety Inspection Program, Labor Code section 7920, et seq., that QSIs receive training allowing them to perform competent and effective inspections of permanent amusement rides for the purpose of ensuring the safety of patrons.
(d) To maintain QSI Training Program approval, a school or training provider shall promptly notify the Division in writing each time the provider makes a substantive change to any of the information required pursuant to subsection (a).
(e) The Division may suspend or revoke the approval of a QSI Training Program upon determining that the Program has substantially failed to comply with approval requirements.
(f) The Division may grant retroactive approval of training provided after January 1, 1999 but before this Article takes effect, if the provider demonstrates that the training met the QSI Training Program approval criteria of this section.