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(a) Applicants for a certificate of competency as a passenger tramway inspector shall possess the required qualifications of employment, registration and experience, shall obtain at least seventy percent (70%) on a prescribed examination conducted by the Division and shall be physically able to perform tramway inspections safely and efficiently.
(1) Qualifications.
(A) Employment. Applicants shall be employed by an insurance company carrying insurance on passenger tramways or by a municipality which maintains a passenger tramway inspection organization operating under ordinances or rules at least equivalent to the Passenger Tramway Safety Orders.
(B) Registration. Applicants shall be professional engineers, registered in California pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 6700) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code.
(C) Experience. Applicants shall have:
1. Four years experience in the construction, design, or maintenance of ski lift equipment; or
2. Two years experience inspecting ski lift equipment while working for an insurance company, a government agency, or a company performing tramway or similar equipment inspections where not less than fifty percent (50%) of the work performed was spent performing inspections; and
3. Sufficient experience and knowledge to achieve a satisfactory rating in an examination described in Section 3153(a)(2), designed to test the applicant's knowledge of the Passenger Tramway Safety Orders and principles of passenger tramway safety.
(2) Examination. The examination shall be conducted in two parts: the first consisting of a written examination and the second consisting of a field examination.
(A) If the applicant fails to obtain a passing grade in either the written or field examination, he/she may apply for a re-examination and the waiting period between examinations shall be determined by the Division as not less than 30 days or more than 6 months, depending on the judgment of the Division regarding the necessity of additional study and training on the part of the applicant.
(B) The field examination may be waived or postponed by the Division and the certificate issued subject to the written examination. This field examination may consist of an appraisal of work completed by the inspector during an indefinite probationary period.
(C) Written examinations will be conducted by appointment at any time and place mutually agreeable to the candidate and to the Division.
(b) Certificates.
(1) Certified inspectors shall have a valid certificate of competency issued by the Division.
(2) Certificates of competency may be revoked by the Division, after a hearing, for failure to submit true reports concerning the condition of a passenger tramway, or for conduct deemed by the Division to be contrary to the best interests of passenger tramway safety or of the Division.
(3) Certificates may also be revoked, after a hearing, when physical infirmities develop to a point where it appears that an inspector can no longer perform tramway inspections in a thorough and safe manner.
(4) Certificates may be suspended by the Division, after a hearing, for periods up to six months for infractions not deemed serious enough to revoke the certificate.
(5) Certificates will be automatically suspended if for a period of one year, an inspector does not make any passenger tramway inspections as evidenced by reports submitted; however, such certificates may be reinstated without a written examination at the discretion of the Division. This provision does not apply to the supervising engineers or others whose regular duties include the review of the work of other certified inspectors.
(c) Inspection Reports. A certified inspector shall submit inspection reports to the Division on form S-651 (Rev. 4/86) provided by the Division for all inspections within fifteen (15) working days from the date of the inspection.
(d) Inspection Follow-ups. All follow-up inspections necessary to enforce compliance shall be performed by a division safety engineer.
NOTE: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
1. New section filed 10-25-73 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 73, No. 43).
2. New section filed 3-29-74; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 74, No. 13).
3. Renumbering of section 3152.5 to section 3153 and amendment of section heading, section, and Note and renumbering and amendment of section 3153 to 3154 filed 3-23-93; operative 4-22-93 (Register 93, No. 13).
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