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Chapter 8. Office of the Director
Subchapter 4. Awarding Body Labor Compliance Programs
Article 5. Enforcement
New Query

§16436. Forfeitures Requiring Approval by the Labor Commissioner.

(a) For purposes of this section and section 16437 below, "forfeitures" means the amount of wages, penalties, and forfeitures assessed by the Labor Compliance Program and proposed to be withheld pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.6(a), and includes the following: (1) the difference between the prevailing wage rates and the amount paid to each worker for each calendar day or portion thereof for which each worker was paid less than the prevailing wage rate by the contractor or subcontractor; and (2) penalties assessed under Labor Code Sections 1775, 1776 and 1813.

(b) If the aggregate amount of forfeitures assessed as to a contractor or subcontractor is less than $1000.00, the forfeitures shall be deemed approved by the Labor Commissioner upon service and the Labor Commissioner's receipt of copies of the following: (1) the Notice of Withholding of Contract Payments authorized by Labor Code Section 1771.6(a); (2) an Audit as defined in section 16432(e) of these regulations, and (3) a brief narrative identifying the Bid Advertisement Date of the contract for public work and summarizing the nature of the violation, the basis of the underpayment, and the factors considered in determining the assessment of penalties, if any, under Labor Code Section 1775.

(c) For all other forfeitures, approval by the Labor Commissioner shall be requested and obtained in accordance with section 16437 below.

Note: Authority cited: Section 1773.5, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 1771.6, 1775, 1776 and 1813, Labor Code.

1. New section filed 2-20-92; operative 3-23-92 (Register 92, No. 13).

2. Amendment of subsections (a)-(b)(1) and amendment of Note filed 10-19-2004; operative 11-18-2004 (Register 2004, No. 43).

3. Amendment of section and Note filed 12-22-2008; operative 1-21-2009  (Register 2008, No. 52).

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