Instructions for Account Registration page

Public Works Contract Award (PWC 100)

The instructions are for completing the account registration page on the PWC 100 form.  Instructions are by section and field name.  Required fields are indicated by an asterisk.

Account Information

User ID your Email Address: *

Enter email address used during registration.

Password: *

Enter password used during registration.

Re-enter Password: *

Re-enter password used during registration.

Password Recovery Question: *

Enter a question that will help you recover the password.

Password Recovery Answer: *

Answer the password recovery question.

Your information


Select from pull down options of Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms.

First Name: *

Enter your first name.

Last Name: *

Enter your last name.

Work Title: *

Enter your work title.

Work email address:*

Enter your work email address.

Work Phone: *

Enter your work phone number, including the area code.

Work Ext:

Enter the work phone extension number.

Primary Contact

Contact Title:*

Enter the work title of the primary contact.  The primary contact is the individual responsible for signing public works contracts.

Contact Designation:

Select from pull down options of Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms.

Contact First Name: *

Enter the first name of the primary contact.

Contact Last Name: *

Enter the last name of the primary contact.

Contact Email: *

Enter the primary contact’s email address.

Contact Work Phone: *

Enter the primary contact’s phone number, including the area code.

Contact Work Ext:

Enter the phone extension number of the primary contact.

Secondary Contact

Contact Title:

Enter the work title of the secondary contact.  The secondary contact is the backup individual responsible for signing public works contracts.

Contact Designation:

Select from pull down options of Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms.

Contact First Name:

Enter the first name of the secondary contact.

Contact Last Name:

Enter the last name of the secondary contact.

Contact Email:

Enter the secondary contact’s email address.

To continue the form, click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page.