Table 10. Percent distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work[1] by selected occupations and number of days away from work, state government, California, 2017

Occupation Percent of cases involving Median days away from work
Total cases 1 day 2 days 3 to 5 days 6 to 10 days 11 to 20 days 21 to 30 days 31 or more days
Total 100.0 4.4 7.7 18.5 13.4 12.8 6.7 36.5 14
Correctional officers and jailers 100.0 2.4 3.6 8.4 7.2 12.0 9.6 56.6 36
Psychiatric technicians 100.0 11.8 14.7 13.2 20.6 10.3 13.2 17.6 6
Firefighters 100.0 -- -- 24.5 32.7 16.3 -- 24.5 9
Registered nurses 100.0 -- 6.1 15.2 -- 21.2 12.1 39.4 21
Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners 100.0 9.1 27.3 9.1 12.1 -- -- 33.3 6
Police and sheriff’s patrol officers 100.0 -- -- 32.1 -- -- -- 39.3 4
Landscaping and groundskeeping workers 100.0 -- -- 7.1 14.3 60.7 -- 7.1 11
First-line supervisors of police and detectives 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 64.3 31
Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50.0 29
First-line supervisors of firefighting and prevention workers 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 38.5 8
Office clerks, general 100.0 -- -- 16.7 25.0 -- -- 50.0 40
Environmental science and protection technicians, including health 100.0 -- 44.4 44.4 -- -- -- -- 3
First-line supervisors of correctional officers 100.0 -- -- -- -- 28.6 -- 57.1 46
Cooks, institution and cafeteria 100.0 -- -- -- 28.6 -- -- 28.6 9
Management analysts 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 33.3 24
Psychiatric aides 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12
Dental assistants 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 80.0 84
First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers 100.0 -- -- -- 60.0 -- -- -- 7
Medical assistants 100.0 -- -- -- 50.0 -- -- -- 7
First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- 50.0 -- 29
Security guards 100.0 -- -- -- -- 50.0 -- -- 15
Compliance officers 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30
Mental health and substance abuse social workers
100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 100.0 51
Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 66.7 51
Medical and health services managers 100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 66.7 43
Human resources specialists
100.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 66.7 54


Days-away-from-work cases include those that result in days away from work with or without job transfer or restriction.

NOTE: Dashes indicate data that are not available. Because of rounding and data exclusion of nonclassifiable responses, data may not sum to the totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in cooperation with participating state agencies, November 8, 2018.