LOS ANGELES, University of California
Certification Program
P.O. BOX 24901
Los Angeles, CA 90024-0901
(310) 825-9971 or (818) 784-7006
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM This certificated program is designed for industrial managers and engineers, individuals from regulatory and response agencies, and those responsible for the safe management of toxic and hazardous materials. Courses address current thinking on safe management of toxic and hazardous materials, and provide information on government regulations and industry standards.
Prerequisites: Candidates must have a bachelor's degree before entering the program. Certain courses require one college chemistry course or equivalent. Certificate candidates must provide evidence of this work before receiving their certificate.
Requirements: Candidates must complete a total of 32 units with a grade of C or better. Four core courses are required.
Required Core Courses
Environmental Toxicology (core course) (4 units)
Examines the interaction of chemicals, living systems, and the environment.
Covers mechanisms of toxic action, dose-response relationships, toxicity
testing models, epidimiology, interpretation of data, analytical techniques,
and sources of toxicology information. Focuses on integrating theoretical and
practical toxicology in environmental management.
Prerequisite: One course each in college level chemistry and biology.
12 mths.
Scientific Concepts in Environmental Management (core course) (4 units)
Reviews the scientific skills needed to collect, understand, evaluate, and
critically review environmental data. Emphasizes the laboratory and field
techniques for data collection and methods for interpretation. Topics include
a review of key commercial chemicals, statistical analysis of environmental
data, field assessment instrumentation, sampling techniques, inorganic and
organic analysis, asbestos analysis of environmental reports, and hazardous
materials laboratory certification. Required course in the Certificate
programs in Hazardous Materials Management.
Prerequisite: One college- level chemistry course.
Principles of Hazardous Materials Management (core course) (4 units)
Covers definitions of toxic and hazardous substances and waste; sources,
storage, and treatment patterns; transportation; regulatory jurisdictions;
emergency response planning; waste and air quality issues; community,
government, and industry press relations; and industrial hygiene and worker
safety. Emphasizes risk assessment and management. Required course in the
Certificate Program in Hazardous Materials Management.
Regulatory Framework for Toxic and Hazardous Substances, (4 Units)
33 hours of MCLE credit available.
Covers all major federal, state, and local regulations and requirements. Includes an overview of legislative history and trends; regulatory development; and an intensive study of air, water, and land use issues. Other topics include state and federal superfunds; the permitting process; siting of hazardous waste facilites; OSHA regulations; and RCRA, TSCA, plant, and site closure practices.
Required course in the Certificate Program in Hazardous Materials Management.
Elective Courses
Health and Safety for Hazardous Materials Control and Management (elective) (4 units)
An overview of occupational health hazards and their recognition, evaluation
and control. Participants learn how employers are regulated and occupational
health standards are promulgated. Examines current control technologies and
how participants may apply industrial hygiene principles in their workplaces.
Covers personal protective equipment, direct-reading instrumentation, noise and
other hazards. Includes an overview of industrial hygiene rather than in-depth
knowledge required for career in this field.
Hazardous Materials Management Technology (4 units)
Covers current and innovative technologies for storing, treating, and disposing hazardous materials/waste with support of numerous case studies. Emphasizes state-of-the-art wastewater treatment (physical, chemical, biological), air pollution control, thermal destruction, immobilization, and off-site solvent and used-oil recycling technologies. Also focuses on waste minimization techniques, including source reduction and recycling for coating, metal finishing, solvent cleaning, and machining operations. Addresses economic, technical, and regulatory feasibility. Other major topics covered include design and regulations for USTs and land disposal facilities. Minor topics covered include innovative site cleanup, groundwater treatment, PCBs destruction and treatment technologies, and asbestos management.
Prerequisite:Principles of Hazardous Materials Management, Regulatory Framework for Hazardous Materials Management, and one college-level chemistry course.
Toxic Air Contaminants (4 Units)
Prerequisite: One college-level chemistry course.
Problem Solving in Site Investigation and Remediation (elective) (4 units)
Required course in the Certificate Program in Site Investigation and
Remediation. Elective course in the Certificate program in Hazardous Materials
Siting of Waste Management Facilities, (4 Units) (core course)
An in-depth study of the process of siting treatment and disposal facilities. Examines the causes of the NIMBY syndrome and discusses the political, sociological, technical, and economic aspects of siting along with public participation and community relations. Case studies of both successful and unsuccessful sittings of disposal facilities from around the world. Topics include history and trends; economics of new sites; hazardous waste facilities; nuclear waste facilities; community concerns; Tanner process guidelines; other countries' solutions: France, Japan, and Scandinavia; Los Angeles: LANCER; and EIRs (Environmental Impact Reports).
Required course in the Certificate Program in Recycling and Waste Management. Elective course in the Certificate Program in Hazardous Materials Management.
Environmental Auditing (4 Units)
Revies the basic principles, history, and background of environmental auditing, including types of audits and various approaches to the conduct of an audit from industry, regulatory, and consultant perspectives. Topics include selling the need of an audit to management, real estate assessment, waste reduction audits, and obtaining management support for auditing. Participants review useful communication skills, legal issues, and practical considerations in the conduct of an audit.
Environmental Public Policy (4 Units)
Examines environmental public policy formulation and implementation. Topics include an overview of environmental public policy issues; the roles of the media, public organizations, and federal, state, and local governments in affecting policy development; and emerging trends in the development of international efforts to share global environmental policy. Reveiws policy dilemmas, including social and economic factors in formulating public policy, and the use of environmental policy debate.
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is an important tool in environmental regulatory decision making and control. This course examines the risk assessment process, its evolution, and the drive toward greater quantification, and covers hazard identification, exposure assessment, dose-response relationships, model development, and application issues. Risk is considered within the context of a full range of societal risks (relative risk), and discussions center on the acceptability of risk classes. Examines risk assessment processes under federal (RCRA, CERCLA, Clean Air Act), state (AB2588, Proposition 65), and local (SCAQMD Rule 1401, BAAQMD Regulation 2-5) regulatory agencies.
Elective course in the Certificate Programs in Hazardous Materials Management, Recycling and Waste Management, Air Quality Management, and Site Investigation and Remediation.
Ground Water Monitoring, Protection and Cleanup (elective) (4 units)
Required course in the Certificate Program in Site Investigation and
Remediation. Elective course in the Certificate Program in Hazardous Materials
Environmental Law (elective) (4 units)
An in-depth review of the basic legal fundamentals of environmental law which
have arisen from environmental legislation, such as RCRA and superfund. Cover
toxic torts, common law action, and criminal liability. Examines the effect of
environmental legislation on business and real estate transactions. Includes
discussion of the ethical issues which arise from environmental law.
Fundamentals of Air Pollution (elective) (4 units)
Required course in the Certificate Program in Air Quality Management. Elective
course in the Certificate Program in Hazardous Materials Management.
Fundamentals of Water Pollution Control (elective) (4 units)
Stipulations of the Federal Clean Water Act and various state laws address the
management of surface waters, including regulations governing release of
hazardous waste into sewer systems, non-point discharges to storm water
systems, and pretreatment of industrial waste as it is released to Publicly
Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). Environmental Professionals working in various
capacities may benefit from the knowledge of surface water systems,
pretreatment technologies and standards, application of federal regulations ,
and the monitoring and enforcement of standards discussed in this course.
Participants also review case studies of source reduction and waste
minimization changes to comply with industrial discharge standards.
Principles of Site Investigation and Remediation, 4 Units
Air Pollution Control Systems and Strategies (elective) (4 units)
For more information, please contact the on-line catalog at UCLA Extension.
Link to University of California at Los Angeles Extension Program.
An overview of the knowledge needed by decision makers who study, select, and implement
remediation methods at contaminated sites. Surveys all aspects of site investigation and
remediation, including scope-setting, testing methods, environmental applications of information technology, remediation technologies, site monitoring, site closure, permitting, working with agencies, health risks, and communication. Prerequisite: One college-level chemistry course.
Required course in the Certificate Program in Site Investigation and Remediation. Elective course in the Certificate Program in Hazardous Materials Management.
Prerequisite: One year of college-level chemistry.